Vol 3 Flashcards
who does the 2T-6 Vol 3 apply to?
all T6 pilots
what is the minimum brief time between start of brief and takeoff?
1 hour before takeoff
when may briefing items be briefed as standard?
when squadron standards cover them and all participants understand them
how does the alternate mission briefed compare to the primary?
It will be less complex
when may missions or events not briefed be flown?
when safety is not compromised by briefing in the air
Must the applicable briefing guide be used?
it must be used as a reference
When may unit checklists be used in lieu of the pilots abbreviated checklist?
when they contain at a minimum all items verbatim and in order listed on the checklist
When must you wear a visor?
before canopy lowers and during all phases of flight
When are g suits required?
anytime more than 2 Gs is expected
Can solo students take an aircraft requiring an operational check?
What four ways will you avoid FOD?
Not approach operating engine, avoid using excessive power, avoid prop or jet blast from other aircraft, ensure loose items are secure in cockpit
How do solo students communicate that the pin is removed and stowed
They contact the controlling agency (cooter in our case)
Do solo students have to stop the aircraft prior to reinstalling the pin?
Yes, after clearing the runway
what are the taxiing intervals?
75 feet staggered, 150 feet in trail
can you taxi if snow or ice is adhering to the runway?
no you must wait unitl all portions have been checked for safe operations
what is taxi spacing with snow or ice on runway?
300 feet
joker fuel
transition fuel to terminate an event
bingo fuel
return with normal recovery fuel
normal recovery fuel
fuel on intial or at the final approach fix, 200 pounds or what is established locally - whatever is higher
when do you declare minimum or emergency fuel
when it becomes apparent you will touch down with less than that amount of fuel (150 lbs for regular sorties or 200 lbs for solo, 100 lbs emergency fuel)
what should you do in addition to declaring minimum or emergency fuel?
add fuel status and amount of fuel remaining in minutes to each new ATC facility. Once in pattern, add it to all calls
what is minimum runway length and width?
4000 feet long by 75 feet wide
when may the length and width minimums for runway be waved?
when ops group commanders waive for NTA low approaches down to 3000 by 50 feet
when can you not begin the final turn in regards to a straight in?
when the straight in has reported 2 miles (except when you have them in sight, can make a normal final turn, and maintain spacing)
spacing before beginning taking off behind another aircraft?
previous aircraft is airborne or 3000 feet down runway
do not begin final turn if
a straight in is in sight and you cannot maintain normal spacing behind them
do not cross threshold to land unless preceding aircraft
airborne, clear of runway, or 3000 feet down when alternating sides used and similar aircraft
spacing when not using alternating sides of the runway
6000 feet
spacing behind dissimilar aircraft
6000 feet
spacing at night on rwy
6000 feet
spacing when tower is controlling the runway
6000 feet
when can you begin the after landing checklist
once you are clear of the runway
what will you perform rolling takeoffs?
when single ship during daylight hours or extended daylight hours with a rated pilot on board
crosswind limits LDG flaps
10 knots except in emergencies
solo crosswind limits
15 knots
when does the IP have to acknowledge gear clear call?
on all presolo contact sorties. Afterwards, this is an advisory call only
when should TO or UP flaps be used
for touch and gos or full stop landings when the crosswind exceeds 10 knots (steady state or gust)
LDG flaps used when
if landing distance greater than or equal to 80 percent of field length
altitude restirction on restricted low approach
500 ft or the altitude specified by controller
when should you complete OCF recoveries done above clouds (including dive recoveries)
3000 feet
what weather restrictions are on contact recoveries?
day VMC only
when are you allowed to reconfigure aircraft for maneuvers?
only when it is explicitly stated that you are allowed to
solo sorties must be VMC at all times
ELPs in tower controlled operation cloud clearances
VFR - 500 feet below clouds and 3 miles. Same restriction applies to RSU controlled fields
minimum altitude for all aerobatics, unusual attitudes, abnormal flight etc
6000 AGL
minimum altitudes for spin training
13500, stop spinning 10000 feet MSL (7000 above clouds, recover completely 3000 above)
minimum altitude en route and area altitude for solo sorties
5000 AGL
minimum alittude to complete slips in configured aircraft
300 AGL
extended daylight
15 minutes before and after published times (solo students can fly here too)
when can you practice simulated emergencies?
only during day VMC weather conditions
taxi at night minimums
300 feet
can you practice engine failures on takeoff, failures that require you to land in opposite direction, or teardrop?
no, only in the simulator
can ELPs be flown at an NTA?
can zero torque ELPs be flown to touchdown?
no only to a low approach 200 feet over the runway
NTA operations max airspeed
150 knots
max wind preventing training flights
35 knots (forecast or actual) for the surface
may solo students fly an aircraft with systems not working in rear cockpit?
yes, so long as nothing affects safety of flight
engine malfunction indication while solo actions
fly a PEL
engine failure in solo
seriously consider ejection, or attempt forced landing minimum RWY of 4000 feet
what must you bring with you on each flight
pubs, IFG, and identification card, and flight crew checklist
ITS Conditions
page 48!
what must you do if you do not wear a g suit
obtain a hook knife from life support
do you have to wear ear plugs on the flight line?
do you have to wear issued gloves
yes, when conducting aircraft operations
dropped seat pin procedures
verify ISS solo, contact SOF, keep engine running, do not taxi under shelter, coordinate with ground to enter ramp at north end
what is the only approved method to remove frost from windshield
are you allowed to motor/start engine locally with no crew chief
tire wear conditions
nose gear - none, main gear local no red, OB 3 max, XC 2 max
when should external power be used
batter less than 24 volts, high density altitude/IOAT, or tail wind
can you motor with canopy open?
can you park or start an aircraft next to adjoining one being refueled
if taxiiing past fuel truck, apu outside marked area between parking rows
you need a wing walker
brake check restrictions
wingtips clear of sunshades
fixed taxi markings in enjjpt ramp provide how much wingtip clearance
10 feet
taxi speed limits
10knots in parking area, 15 knots in ramp, 25 knots on taxiway, 15 knots for sharp turns
can you perform check in ENJJPT ramp
places no staggered taxi
ramp, K, L, G between 15L and 15 C
taxi restrictions on kilo
1 NM final aircraft have priority on 15R and 15C (not departing aircraft on 33)
Proper wingtip spacing in hammerheads
25 feet
instrument status taxi procedures
all ground control
can you taxi behind another aircraft in hammerhead to take the nearest spot?
Yes, so long as they are not doing overspeed governor check, likewise can taxi in front of aircraft who are taking longer than you
how are bingo fuels calcualted
arrival at initial from furthest radar drop off point with normal recovery fuel
what are recovery fuels for lawton/hacker
300 lbs
what is normal recovery fuel for solo students
normal plus 100 lbs
what is a pattern fuel vs touchdown fuel
pattern fuel must be back in pattern at that time but can do patterns until touchdown fuel reached
fuel for 17/35
310 touchdown or higher fuel
minimum takeoff fuel
normall full load except hacker RSU crew or visitors
picking up stuck out pilots or aircraft, or other situations, can have what fuel
minimum of 450 lbs for engine start
second sortie of initial solo quick turn
500 lbs minimum for taxi, 450 for takeoff
minimum weather at an uncontrolled airfield is what
3500 AGl and 5 nm visibility
who is responsible for daily care of personal equipment?
the individual pilot
may you remove equipment from life support
no, only to perform official duties
what is chock time
1+50 after takeoff
max aircraft in pattern
max aircraft in Duncan pattern
solos to pattern only
2500 feet 5 miles vis
formation solo
may fly to areas while being supervised in formation
solos to selected areas
may fly to selected areas and patterns only
restricted pattern
ceiling up to 1900 but not including 2500, 3 miles vis, no breakouts
max aircraft in restricted pattern
stop launch
further sorties terminated. Airborne may still fly
weather recall means what
all weather recalled
runway change procedures
Severe birds
heavy concentration of birds, no takeoff, land, or fly approaches unless emergency
max number of patterns moderate birds
when aux field birds moderate
solos carry straight through initial
when can you accomplish the lineup check
when cleared onto the runway
takeoffs in instruments radio channel
ch 20 tower control
hot side landings
east side of runway, crossover to cold side as soon as speed under control
what should you do when rolling past the 3000 ft mark of the runway
move to the center of your half of the runway and not allow your wingtip to overlap centerline
what speeds and banks do you use on departure
160 kts climb speed and 30 degree bank turns, 200kts cruise speed
at what point do you have IFR clearance
when RAPCON gives clearance to climb and maintain or clearance for a stereo. Radar contact alone does not constitute an IFR clearance
What are noise abatement procedures for 33R
at or past departure end of 33R, but no later than 1/2 nm past departure end, turn to 010 to avoid housing area, proceed direct SPS 030/09
upon reaching 14,000 what happens
if cleared an area, pilots may proceed direct
direct intermediate level off
may proceed direct from current position within vertical confines of area
what channels are for Shep 1 and Shep 2
channel 8 and channel 10
15C departure procedures are what
RWY heading until end of runway, then turn to 130 heading and continue with standard steroe - do not clmib above 1500 MSL until on 130
33C departure procedures
RWY heading until 030 radial intercept, then fly to SPS 030/09 and continue with standard stereo. No climbing above 1500 until crossing power lines north of the RWY. (you will miss housing automatically if you fly this groundtrack)
altitude restrictions for area
8500 MSL to 13500 MSL for low, 15500 to 22000 for high, area 13 is 20000 upper limit.
what altimeter setting is used in the areas
always the local, no matter altitude
what are the upper boundaries for the areas when setting less than 29.92?
21,000 MSL for all areas except for 13, which is now 19,000
in VMC, what seperation will be kept between aircraft in area operations?
standard IFR separation of 1000’ or 3 miles is not required
do you acknowledge calls to work in a direction?
what two types of calls will RAPCON make in working areas
work (direction) or work (direction) immediately. as soon as practical or as soon as possible
what do you do if IMC in areas
maintain at least 3 miles from boundaries until VMC can be maintained
how are recoveries to VFR pattern normall flown
IFR via radar vectors. Include initial or straight in upon initial contact with approach to aid in deconfliction
what is the max distance you can cancel IFR
5 miles from radar drop off point
IFR recovery airspeed
200 kts (for 15C/33C maintain 200 until 5 NM fron FAF)
when can you leave your area?
upon receiving clearance from RAPCON (note that clearance to a new altitude is not clearance to depart the lateral confines)
Sim instruments recoveries
VOR/DME E to 15L/33R
Alternating insturments recoveies
South flow 15C North Flow 33L
time restrictionso on alternating instruments
final approach for full stop no later than 1+15 after last scheduled takeoff in T-6 Block
tower channel for 15L control
Ch 20
when radar point in sight
cancel IFR, maitain 2000-2700, squawk 0377, and contact cooter
altitude restrictions after bridge
1500 by 5 miles for straight in, 2000 by tanks for intial
VFR entr point procedures
cancel IFR with sufficient time to monitor cooter (2nm prior at laest) squawk 0377, cross point between 2000-2700 and be at 2000 by VFR reentry point.
VFR entry in restricted?
no - do not use when restricted pattern or below or at night
can solo or form students enter pattern via VFR point
do you delay break if unable to make the call
do not break if:
straight in between 5 and 2 miles,
when does straight through intial turn crosswind?
at departure end of runway
procedures if told to maintain rwy heading
acknowledge with callsign, if no further instructions, query controller - 2 miles past departure end
procedures if told standby
maintian runway heading until 1 NM past departure end then intitiate turn to crosswind
closed restrictions
straight in 2-5 miles,
final turn/straight in conflict
straight in yields, may offset to the west
offset/go around procedures
maintain 1500 MSL and offset if necessary - clean up before offsetting unless safety an issue
offset east
offset enough to see traffic on runway, turn crosswind at departure end unless cleared for closed - no need to offset for a full stop landing roll
offset west
may offset west if needed (overshooting final turn/straight in conflict. Inform cooter, clear vigilantly, and do not overfly RSU, do not turn crosswind or pull up for closed until cleared by cooter
restrited low approach altitude
1600 MSL no lower than
turn away from traffic, climb to 3000, stay east of 15L/33R, and fly towards tree lines/horse barn for respective runways
for 15L breakout
fly over reentry tanks on 150 heading, make call over tanks (C/S reentry) descend at idle 200 knots, intercept VFR entry leg
33R breakout
fly over tanks at 330, make radio call, re intercept entry leg
turn considerations on reentry
halfway through level turn, roll out and clear for potential traffic from VFR traffic over orchard/pond
VFR entry past reentry point
breakout for traffic on outside downwind
VFR entry piror to reentry point
breakout for aircraft reentering, level turn away from traffic, make radio call, contact sheppard arrival
low closed
stay at 500 AGL, 120 knots while circling on downwind, execute abandon approach if need to break out, prohibited in restricted pattern and at night
straight in
if told to call 5 miles, descend and decelerate, if clearance is not received by 3 miles, abandon approach
straight in from outside downwind
wait until aircraft in front of you has turned 90 to intial, call straight in in sight if someone is in front of you, maintain 200kts in descent to 1500
abandon approach
clerance not received by 3 miles or if directed to abandon approach, level turn to the east, when clear of outside downwind follow reentry track. climb to 2000 msl to make level turn in direction of the traffic
during straight in approaches, what must you do regarding rwy visual acquisition
visually confirm 3 runways with PNF. Use navaids/gps to help if visibility limited. If abandon approach in poor weather, maintain abandon approach groundtrack and advise cooter then contact RAPCON
restricted pattern
8 aircraft limit, entry via straight in from radar point only, takeoff, crosswind from center rwy
are straight ins from outside downwind allowed in restricted pattern?
what must you do if you are denied straight in or abandon approach in restricted pattern?
stay clear of instrument approaches and overhead pattern, squawk 42xx, maintain VFR, and contact RAPCON for vectors to radar drop off point
runway change in restricted pattern
full stop land or depart pattern prior to runway change time
breaking out in restricted pattern
same procedures as abandon approach/denied straight in: stay clear of instrument approaches and overhead pattern, squawk 42xx, maintain VFR, and contact RAPCON for vectors to radar drop off point
ELP procedures
request at initial, continue to break if no response given
do not request high key when
aircraft is between 5 and 2 miles on straight in, orbiting high key, or in the chase pattern
can request high key from anywhere when:
no more than two aircraft in pattern
after reporting high key, what are options
report low key, high key orbit 120-140 30 degrees bank level 360 turn to report high key again, high key breakout clear and descend 3000 turn east and follow normal breakout procedures
can you configure and start turn when no clearance to report low key is given
yes - must have clearance by cross key
requesting low key
low key from initial - climb during the break, low key from closed pullup - same restrictions as normal closed
when speaking with shep clearance - must you read back entire clearance
yep, cause we are students
do you respond to tinder
only if you want to be made fun of
do you give position in hammerhead on intial contact with cooter
radio call addition to cooter if solo
one pin remove and stowed
if tower controls runway, what is different
they will direct you to change to a different channel, which you must repeat back
do you reply to cooter if directed to break at a different point
yes, call sign only
response when told to go around
call sign only, (add offset info if told to offset
radio call on breaking out from VFR entry leg
CS, VFR entry leg, Breaking out
if told to abandon approach
CS is abandon approach
weather recall
discontinue training and orbit at top of area at max endurance AOA
are physiological incidents an emergency?