Vol 1 Chapter 4 Flashcards
explains clearing and settlement
After the trade is executed, the record is submitted to the clearing agency, which matches the buyer and seller record and confirms that the counterparts agree to all the terms. The agency reports discrepancies (差異) to traders in case the reports do not match, who then try and resolve them. After the clearing process is performed, through settlement, agencies fulfill the delivery requirements of the securities object of a trade. The settlement agency receives cash from buyers and securities from sellers and, at the end of the process, gives the securities to the buyers and the cash to the seller. Agencies perform an important function in case a trader is not trustworthy or creditworthy
Specific risks arising in clearing and settlement. (7)
Credit risk Replacement cost risk Principal risk Liquidity risk Operational risk Systematic risk Errors risk
Credit risk
transaction NEVER settle for full value
Failure caused by economic reasons
Replacement cost risk
Asset value exchanged before, CHANGES between time of trade and settlement
Principal risk
Risk of loss from one counterparty making a delivery
So between a transaction, one person can deliver but the other person fails to deliver
Liquidity risk
Risk that trade will settle for the full value AFTER the agreed upon time
Failure to settle on time results in failed transactions
Operational risk
Loss caused by technical issues
Such as hardware, software, communications or other physical aspects in clearing and settlement
Systematic risk
One failure leads to other people failing to meet obligations as well
Errors risk
accidental mess-up caused by easy mistakes
Such as buying instead of selling, trading wrong asset on the wrong amount of asset, trading at the wrong price, etc.
Three methods used to mitigate these risks
Delivery vs. Payment
in the event of failure, net amount of each asset or funds are transferred
▪ Bilateral netting
▪ Multilateral netting
Delivery vs. Payment
Reducing difference between the trade time and settlement time
Reduces principal risk
Both parties pay at the same time
Depositing money in case of default
This allows a cushion for settlement protection
Specialized institutions involved in clearing and settlement that help reduce risks and lower costs:(5)
Registrars and transfer agents Clearinghouses Central depositories Global custodians Communication networks
Registrars and transfer agents
Helps manage shareholder account
Registrar –issuer for stock and or bond issues and records transactions
Transfer agent- initiator for issuing new certificate and cancellation of old certificates
Involved with clearing and settlement
Central depositories
Accepts deposits of security and account for transferring the securities
Global custodians
Makes sure everything is settled properly and correctly registered
◦ Protects ownership rights
Dividend, stock splits and voting
Communication networks
Communicate to easily execute trades