Voice Disorders Flashcards
Chronic laryngitis
vocal nodules
Reinke’s Eduma
are all examples of?
Hyperfunctional Voice Disorders
Hyperfunctional Voice disorders are caused by
Vocal misuse/abuse
A voice disorders is
Characterized by a change in the QUALITY, PITCH or LOUDNESS of the voice different from what is expected of someone of the same age and gender.
What happens with vocal folds thickening?
Lower pitch
Husky voice
Think: strings on a guitar
Thicker strings vibrate slowly making the sound of the voice lower.
If the vf don’t vibrate smoothly (maybe because the thickening isn’t event) the voice may sound rough/ husky. like when a instrument needs a tune up.
Why do vf thicken?
Vocal abuse or misuse
Benign vf lesion: e.g nodules
Getting older
smoking ormonal changes
Shimmer= Loudness
It looks at how evenly you can keep the volume of your voice. A high amount of shimmer means your voice might sound uneven or fluctuate in loudness, making it seem like its flickering in volume.
It measures how steady your pitch is when you speak or sing. If your voice has a lot of jitter, it might sound shaky or wobbly because the pitch isn’t correct.
Two simultanous pitches at the same time
Happens when the vfs vibrates unevenly or in a mismatched way.
Di= two
When the voice sounds really harsh and painfully sharp (kinda like a screech of a microphone feedback)
Results from too much tension in the vf, making the voice sound forceful and loud.
(lady from the Simpson’s)
Hypertonicity of the vf
Think: VF are super tight or tense. Its like theyre working out too hard and cant relax, making the voice sound strained or squeezed.
This tension can make speaking effortful and uncomfortable
The cancer above the vf, involving areas like the epiglottis. It’s not the right classification because the patient’s tumor is not above, but at the vf.
This type is below the vf. The patient’s cancer isnt described as being lower thn the vf, so this classification doenst match
When cancer spreads from its original location to other parts of the body.
Glottic cancer
Cancer that originates in the glottis. It can result is hoarseness and persistent sore throat.
Hemangiomas (causes and symptoms)
Noncancerous soft and blood-filled tumors. They arise due to irritation from prolonged irritation or acid reflux or it could be congenital.
Breathing issues: congenital hemangiomas can cause stridor or difficulty breathing due to airway obstruction.