Voice Concepts Flashcards
What are the 12 voice concepts
Pace, Pitch, Tone, Register, Accent, Fluency, Intonation, Clarity, Pause, Articulation, Volume, Emphasis
What does pace mean
The speed of your voice, informs emotion of the speaker
What does pitch mean
The high or low factor of your voice, sqeaky to low - also informs emotion
What is tone
It is the emotion in your voice, it informs the quality and strength of emotion
What is accent
It is the dialect or specific impact of your background on your speech
What is fluency
It is how accurately a person speaks
What does intonation mean
It is the rise and fall of someone’s speech, it is how an accent impacts someone’s speech
What is clarity
The coherence of someone’s speech
What is pause
The rhythm of speech, a slow paused speech suggests that the person is thinking
What is articulation
It is the vocabulary (or lack of) that someone uses
What is volume
It is the loud or quiet nature of someone’s speech
What is emphasis
It is the importance of certain words in someone’s speech
What is register
It is the formality of language being used