Vocabulrio Tik Tok Flashcards
Somos 5
The are five of us
Pronunciación de confortable
Pronunciación de increíble
When you want to say if he can say something again
Could you repeat, please
When you want something temporary
Can yo lend me a pen ?
To compraré un carro
Algún día
I WILL a car some day
Yo voy a comprar un Car el otro año
I’m going to buy a car next year
When I want to say I am a little agree
I not totally agree
That’s partly true but…
I see your point but
I’m not sure about that
When you are totally disagree
I completely disagree
On contrary
O couldn’t disagree more
Por lo tanto
Sin embargo
De hecho
De hecho yo estudie bio
Actually I studied biotechs
No podemos viajar POR el covid
Estoy muy triste por el juego
We can’t travel because of covid
I am so sad because of game
Hasta ahora el 2002 ha sido un mal año
SO FAR 2020 has been a bad year