Vocabulary Words (Hindsight, Foresight, and the Urn of Troubles) Flashcards
filial (adj.)
pertaining to a son or daughter
tyrannical (adj.)
oppressive; dictatorial
vindictiveness (n.)
vengefulness; desire or intent to seek revenge
succulent (adj.)
entrails (n.)
internal organs
gullible (adj.)
naive; easily tricked
petulant (adj.)
grumpy; irritable
foolhardy (adj.)
reckless; foolish
languorous (adj.)
sleepy; moving slowly
gorged (v.)
ate greedily
appease (v.)
pacify; satisfy needs
gruesome (adj.)
horrible; frightening
languishing (v.)
suffering; weakening
avarice (n.)
elixir (n.)
a magical cure
sprite (n.)
an elf or fairy
ebullient (adj.)
energetic; lively and enthusiastic
infirmity (n.)
minor illness; lack of strength
thickets (n.)
group of bushes or small trees
bedraggled (v./adj.)
wet, dirty and messy