Vocabulary Unit 2 Set A Flashcards
(Adj., Part) Declared openly and without a shame, acknowledged
The Governor was an avowed supporter of the plan to aid public libraries throughout the state.
(Adj.) Giving freely, generous; plentiful, given abundantly
On thanksgiving day people all over America celebrate the bountiful gifts of nature.
(Adj., Part.) Overcrowded, filled or occupied to excess
The doctor grew very concerned when the patient’s lungs became congested with fluid.
(Adj.) Energetic, willing and able to start something new; showing boldness and imagination.
An enterprising young person may turn a hobby into a way of earning money.
(Adj., Adv.) With extreme care or caution
Difficult and demanding customers should be handled in a gingerly manner.
People walked gingerly along the streets.
(V.) To provide more than is needed or wanted; to feed or fill to the point of overstuffing; (N.) an oversupply.
Hollywood studios glut theaters with big budget action movies during the summer season.
When there is a glut of gasoline on the market, prices at the pump may drop dramatically.
(Adj., Adv.) In a disguised state, under an assumed name or identity; (N.) The state of being disguised; a person in disguise
Just before the battle of Agincourt, Shakespeare’s King Henry V prowls through his camp incognito.
In a way makeup artists are practitioners of the fine art of incognito.
(V.) To make as small as possible, make the least of; to make smaller than before.
Whenever you are in a car, you should wear your seatbelt to minimize the risk of injury in an accident.
(V.) To change direction or course suddenly, turn aside, shift
The huge storm finally veered out to sea.
(Adj.)Reckless; heartless, unjustifiable; loose in morals (N.) A spoiled, pampered person; one with low morals
The brave superhero soon put a stop to the evil villians acts of wanton cruelty.
The main character in the popular miniseries was a charming but heartless wanton.