Vocabulary U3 Flashcards
Carefree (adj.)
Happy because there are no worries or problems
Assume (v.)
To think something is true although you have no proof
Contradiction (n.)
The fact of two things being opposite of each other or not matching
Contribute (v.)
To give a part of the total ,along with others
Initiation (n.)
The act of someone becoming a member of a group
Marker (n.)
A sign that shows the position of something
Milestone (n.)
A very important stage or event in the development of something
Morally (adv.)
According to principles of good behavior and what is considered to be right or wrong
Pinpoint (v.)
To find and show an exact time or place
Run (v.)
To manage or control something
Transition (n.)
A change from one state or condition to another
Sibling (n.)
A brother or sister
Burden (n.)
A responsibility that causes difficulty or hard work
In charge of (phr.)
In control of something or someone
Reverse (v.)
To change something to the opposite
Guidance (n.)
Help or advice
Capable (adj)
Able to do something
Isolation (n.)
The state of being separate from other people or bing alone
Confusion (n.)
The state of being uncertain or not clear
Entitled (adj.)
Given the right to have or to do something
Resent (v.)
To feel angry about something because you feel it is not fair
Barrier (n.)
A thing or situation that makes something difficult or impossible
Frustration (n.)
A feeling of anger or disappointment
Satisfaction (n.)
A feeling of pleasure when you get something you want