Vocabulary Terms and Key Events Flashcards
3/5ths Compromise
three of every five slaves were counted when determining a state’s total population for legislative representation and taxation.
Eli Whitney
inventor of the cotton gin/would help reduce enslaved labor.
Alien Acts
Harder for immigrants to be citizens and the president can report non-citizens who were suspected of plotting against the government.
Sedition Acts
Prohibited people from talking bad about the government and restricted freedom of speech, assembly, and press.
a boat that is propelled by a steam engine, especially a paddle-wheel craft of the type used widely on rivers in the 19th century.
Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade
global slave trade that transported between 10 million and 12 million enslaved Africans across the Atlantic ocean to Americas from 16th to 19th century
2nd Great Awakening
series of big religious revivals in 19th century. Revived belief of christianity. Kindness, equality, harmony. Slavery was a moral sin, fueled abolitionist movement.
Doctrine of Nullification
maintained that the states have the right to overrule any unconstitutional laws, with the decision being unchallenged by any federal entity.
King Cotton
Indicates economic and political importance of cotton production (south would say it to upset the North)
Nat Turner
enslaved black carpenter and preacher who led four-day rebellion of slaved and freed black people in Southhampton county, Virginia in august 1831. Shows that slaves could attack or do anything to leave.
Manifest Destiny
The 19th-century doctrine or belief that the expansion of the U.S. throughout American continents was both justified and inevitable. (move to west)
Wilmot Proviso
Congressional proposal in the 1840s to prohibit the extension of slavery into territories. Banned slavery from new territories from Treaty of Guadalupe and failed to pass Senate due to the South.
Mexican-American War
mexican and american fought for territory (1846-1848)
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
ended the war between US and Mexico. Mexico ceded 55% of its territory, US gained lots of territory. Established border of US and Mexico.
Fugitive Slave Law
Required slaves to be returned to their owners even if they are in a free state. (People can claim people as slaves who were free and kidnap them)
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
A book that describes the horror and reality of slavery which helped fueled abolish movement.
Kansas-Nebraska Act
repealed missouri compromise and created two new territories which allowed for popular sovereignty. Produced bleeding Kansas.
government based on the consent of the people (free choice).
Republican Party
Founded in 1854 by anti-slavery who opposed Kansas-Nebraska act. It supported economic reform geared to industry, supporting investments in manufacturing, railroads and banking.
Bleeding Kansas
between 1855 and 1859 kansas engaged in a violent guerilla war between pro-slavery and anti-slavery forces.
Preston Brooks
Pro-slavery congressman from South Carolina known for a violent attack on abolitionist Charles Sumner. (1856)
Dred Scott
Enslaved african american man unsuccessfully sued for freedom of themselves because he was in free areas for 10 years.
John Brown
An abolitionist who did the Harpers Ferry raid.
Harpers Ferry
October 16-18, 1859 assault by an armed band of abolitionists led by John Brown on federal armory located at harper ferry, Virginia (failed because called a radical)
Abraham Lincoln
16th president of US (1861-65) who preserved union during american civil war and brought about emancipation of enslaved people in US
John Breckenridge
politician who served as the 14th vice president of the U.S and as a Confederate general during the Civil war. (ran against abraham lincoln in election of 1860)
Border Ruffians
one group of proslavery missourians during 1854- beginning of the civil war, used to cross border into kansas to vote ilegally make raids and intimidate antislavery settlers.
unionists who professes in robs, burn to and murder only rebels against government. (anti-slavery, settled in Kansas)
Trans-Continental Railroad
Railroad connected to Atlantic and Pacific coast of U.S. Allowed goods and people.
The process of transforming economy of a nation or region from a focus and agriculture to a reliance on manufacturing
Underground railroad
the resistance of enslavement through escape and flight (through end of civil war)
Frederick Douglass
American social reformer, abolitionists, writer who was a slave that escaped to the North. Became most important leader of movement for african american civil rights in 19th century.
10th amendment
any powers not given to the federal government are reserved to states. (states can decide laws)
John C. Calhoun
Vice president of Andrew Jackson (created tariffs) and defender of states rights, defended slavery etc. Told South they didn’t have to follow the law and states could decide if they want federal law
Fugitive Slave Clause
Gives enslavers the right to server enslaved people who escaped to free states. (stated in constitution) If they get caught they will be returned to enslaver.
Oldest active party. In the south and pro-slavery
Anti-slavery (supported Lincoln)
make legally null and void, invalidate.
Taxed imported goods. North loved and South hated. (creator, Andrew Jackson)