Vocabulary Terms: Flashcards
the improvement or amendment of what is wrong, corrupt, unsatisfactory,
a person who urges the promotion of the interests of inhabitants born in a country over those of immigrants:
Steam Engine
an engine worked by steam, typically one in which a sliding piston in a cylinder is moved by the expansive action of the steam generated in a boiler.
Reform Movement
advocates a change that will preserve the existing values but will provide improved means of implementing them.
the right to vote in public, political elections and referendums
the education of both male and female students at the same institution.
a person who is in favor of abolishing especially slavery
something that is lost or hurt.
to rise up against the authority of a ruler or government.
to rise up against the authority of a ruler or government.
an outbreak against authority.
Three Fifths Compromise
agreement between delegates from the Northern and the Southern states at the United States
Underground Railroad
refers to the efforts of enslaved African Americans to gain their freedom by escaping bondage.
Dred Scott Decision
unsuccessfully sued for the freedom of themselves and their two daughters,
Bleeding Kansas
sporadic violence existed in the territory since 1855.
Union Troops
the land force that fought to preserve the collective Union of the states
a league or alliance, especially of confederate states.