Vocabulary Stage 13 Flashcards
Vita, -am
Aedificium, -ium
A building
Custos, custodem
A guard
Aeger, aegra
Alter, altera
The other (of two)
Ceteri, ceterae
The others, the rest
Fessus, fessa
Novus, nova
Nullus, nulla
Not any, no… ( nulla pecunia= no money)
Himself, herself, themselves
Canto, cantare, cantavi
I sing, to sing, I sang
Excito, excitare, excitavi
I wake(someone) up, to wake up, I woke up
vulnero, vulnerare, vulneravi
I wound, hurt to wound, hurt I wounded, hurted
dico, dicere, dixi
I say, to say, I said
Traho, trahere, traxi
I drag, pull to drag, pull I dragged, pulled
Ruo, ruere, rui
I rush, to rush, I rushed
Interficio, interficere, interfeci
I kill, to kill, I killed
Advenio, advenire, adveni
I arrive, to arrive, I arrived
Volo, velle, volui
I want, to want, I wanted
Nolo, nolle, nolui
I do not want, to not want, I didn’t want
Possum, posse, potui
I am able, to be able, I was able