Vocabulary Quiz 3 Flashcards
Archaeologist - arqueólogo
Person who studies historical ruins
A scientist who studies ancient cultures through the tools, buildings, and relics of ancient peoples
Confront - enfrentar
To deal with or face ( a problem of challenge)
Dedicated to - dedicado a
Very involved in and supportive of
Descendant - descendiente
A blood relative in a future generation
Diminish - Disminuir
To get smaller in size, number, importance, etc.
Displace - Desplazar
To force to move from a home or habitad
Ecology - ecología
A habitat, its living things, and their relationship
Genetic - Genética
Related to characteristics of the body that are passed from generation to generation
Relative to genes
Hypothesis - hipótesis
A possible explanation suggested by evidence
Immense - inmenso
Huge, enorme
Interfere - interfiere
To block or get in the way of an activity or goal
Legislation - legislación
A law or laws
Law making
Migrate - emigrar
Move from one area to another
People: move country, region
Monitor - Monitor
To follow, check, or observe
Notable - notable
Important, impressive, outstanding, remarkable
Overwhelming - abrumador
Extreme, considerable
More than can be managed or deal with
Perspective - perspectiva
A way of seeing things, point of view, opinion
Subsequently - después
Later or afterwards
Next, then
Belonging or related to a group of native people
Venture - atreverse
To go into a place that might be dangerous