Vocabulary Quiz #1 Flashcards
What does abase mean?
to humiliate, degrade (After being overthrown and abased, the deposed leader offered to bow down to his conqueror.)
What is the part of speech for abduct?
Frankie’s mother told him not to be _____ when he refused to attend the birthday party.
What is a behemoth?
something of tremendous power or size
What is the part of speech for candor?
What does censure mean?
harsh criticism or to rebuke formally
The large raise that he gave himself _____ his motives for running the charity.
What is the part of speech for decorous?
What does elated mean?
overjoyed, thrilled
What part of speech is emaciated?
When I arrived an hour late to class, I _____ some excuse about my car breaking down on the way to school.fabricated
What does fastidious mean?
meticulous, demanding, having high and often unattainable standards
What does garish mean?
gaudy, in bad taste
What is the part of speech for gluttony?
The superstar’s _____ dismissal of her costars will backfire on her someday.