Vocabulary Pt2 Flashcards
What is camera range?
The distance between the camera and the object.
What is a long shot?
A view of a situation or setting from a distance.
Example: “The camera pulls away from the close-ups to a long shot of the Boston skyline.”
What is a medium shot?
Shows a group of people in interaction with each other, e.g., a fight scene, with part of their surroundings in the picture.
What is a medium close shot?
Shows a subject down to his or her waist, e.g., showing head and shoulders of two people in conversation.
Example: “What is the purpose of the high angle medium close shot?”
What is a close-up?
A full-screen shot of a subject’s face, showing the finest nuances of expression.
Example: “The camera suddenly cuts to a close-up.”
What is an extreme close-up?
A shot of a hand, eye, mouth, or object in detail.
What is a detail shot?
A shot focusing on a specific detail of a subject.
Example: (Detailaufnahme)
What is an establishing shot?
Often used at the beginning of a scene to indicate the location or setting, usually a long shot from a neutral position.
Example: “The scene starts with an establishing shot.”
What is a point-of-view shot?
Shows a scene from the perspective of a character.