Vocabulary p. 122 Flashcards
until/ to
when?/ what time?
géi sì
months of the year
days of the month
lẽot(6) sī(1)
law firm
lẽot(6) sī(1) làu(4)
to have free time
dãk(1) hàan(4)
week/ days of week (Mon-Sat)
sīng(1) kèi(4)
lǎi båai
sīng(1) kèi jāt(1)
lǎi båai jāt(1)
sīng(1) kèi jĩ(6)
sīng(1) kèi sāam(1)
sīng(1) kèi se̊i
sīng(1) kèi nǧ
to go to work
fāan(1) gūng(1)
zāu(1) mũt(6)
no need
`m(4) sái(2)
to do/ to work/ to engage in
to do what? [to ask what kind of activity or action is happening]
zõu(6) māt(1) jě(5)
to take photos
jíng(2) sóeng(2)
smart/ sharp/ brilliant/ capable
a modal particle used to indicate surprise, discovery or realization
statement + wo̊(3)
an aspect article used after a verb indicating an action is in progress
verb + gán(2) + object
Responding to a compliment: “You’re flattering me” (formal)
něi(5) gwo̊(3) zóeng(2) låa(3)
Responding to a compliment: Just so-so
màa máa déi zē(1)
this year
gām(1) nìn(4)
to listen to music
tēng(1) jām(1) ngõk(6)
to chat
kīng(1) gái(2)
kīng(1) gán(2) gái(2) = to be chatting
to watch a movie
tái(2) he̊i(3)
to be watching a movie = tái(2) gán(2) he̊i(3)
to play ball games
dáa(2) bō(1)
to be playing ball games = dáa(2) gán(2) bō(1)
to shop/ to buy something
mǎai(5) jě(5)
to be doing shopping = mǎai(5) gán(2) jě(5)
to take a shower
cūng(1) lòeng(4)
to be taking a shower = cūng(1) gán(2) lòeng(4)
to go to a restaurant for dim-sum
jám(2) càa(4)
jám(2) gán(2) càa(4)
to sleep
fån(3) gåau(3)
fån(3) gán(2) gåau(3)
hostel for exchange students
làu(4) hõk(6) sāang(1) (ge̊) sūk(1) se̊(3)