Vocabulary List 1 (Short Stories) Flashcards
Adjective : incapable of being surmounted, overcome, passed over, or solved
Adverb : involving or causing a sudden violent shaking of the muscles in your body that you are unable to control
Noun : having or seeming to have no end; especially : wearisomely protracted
Adjective : very clear and easy to understand : able to think clearly
Adverb : too bad, harsh, or severe to be accepted or tolerated : not tolerable
Adjective : lying with the front of your body turned toward the ground : so tired, upset, etc., that you are unable to do anything
Noun : a hole so deep or a space so great that it cannot be measured
Adjective : not able to be trusted : showing that someone cannot be trusted : very dangerous and difficult to deal with
Adjective : very hungry
Adjective : lacking strength, energy, or freshness because of a need for rest or sleep : bored or annoyed by something because you have seen it, heard it, done it, etc., many times or for a long time : causing you to feel tired
noun : the quality or state of being empty: a : the exhausted condition that results from lack of food and water b : the absence or loss of social, moral, or intellectual vitality or vigor
adjective : not slowing down, stopping, or growing weaker —used to describe someone who does something in a constant and determined way without stopping or becoming less forceful
Adjective : resembling an evil creature in frightening stories that robs graves and eats dead bodies
adjective of food : having a strong and unpleasant smell or taste from no longer being fresh : full of anger and bitterness
Verb : to make a very serious or emotional request to (someone) : to say (something) as a serious or emotional request : to ask or beg for (something) in a very serious or emotional way