Vocabulary Lesson 8 Flashcards
secret; having hidden meaning; mysterious
hasty and without attention to details
shortage; scarcity
to weaken; to make feeble
decay; decline
great respect; honor
to let out the air out; to reduce in size or importance
to describe in words; to sketch; to portray
behavior; manner
expression of strong disapproval made openly and publicly; public condemnation
the tools of a storyteller, such as ordering events so that they build to a climactic moment or withholding information until a crucial or appropriate moment when revealing it creates a desired effect
narrative devices
the style of telling the “story,” even if the passage is nonfiction
narrative technique
look for words in the passage that have strong connotations–words that intensify the emotional effect
persuasive devices
When writing this, you should present a coherent argument in which the evidence builds to a logical and relevant conclusion
persuasive essay
refers to all devices of composition available to a writer, such as diction syntax, sentence structure, and figures of speech; produces the cumulative effect of a work
resources of language
refers to how a passage is constructed; look at the passage’s organization and how the author combines images, details, or arguments to serve his of her purpose
rhetorical features
look at the type of sentences the author uses; types include simple, compound, complex, and variations created with combinations
sentence structure
note and analyze all of the elements in language that contribute to style– such as diction, syntax, tone, attitude, figures of speech, connotations, and repetition
stylistic devices