Vocabulary Lesson 23: Clothes Flashcards
upper body wrap (m) (upper body wraps (pl))
رِدَاءٌ (رِدَاءَاتٌ)
waist wrap / lower garment (m/f) (waist wraps / lower garments (pl))
إِزَارٌ (آزِرَةٌ)
abaya (f) (abayas (pl))
عَبَاءَةٌ (عَبَاءَاتٌ or عَبَايَاتٌ)
jilbab (m) (jilbabs (pl))
جِلبَابٌ (جَلَابِيبُ)
piece of stitched cloth/thobe (m) (thobes (pl))
ثَوبٌ (ثِيَابٌ)
item of clothing (m) (items of clothing (pl))
مَلْبَسٌ (مَلَابِسٌ)
pocket (m) (pockets (pl))
جَيبٌ (جُيُوبٌ)
leather sock (m) (leather socks (pl))
خُفٌّ (خِفَافٌ)
cotton or woolen sock (m) (socks (pl))
جَورَبٌ (جَوَارِبُ)
headcover (m) (headcovers (pl))
خِمَارٌ (خُمُرٌ)
barrier/partition (m) (barriers/partitions (pl))
حِجَابٌ (حُجُبٌ)
glove (m) (gloves (pl))
قُفَّازٌ (قُفَّازَاتٌ)
sandal (f) (sandals (pl))
نَعْلٌ (نِعَالٌ)
trouser (m/f) (trousers (pl))
سِرْوَالٌ (سَرَاوِيلُ)
shirt (m) (shirts (pl))
قَمِيصٌ (أَقْمِصَةٌ)