Vocabulary for English Exam Flashcards
What is a metaphor?
A metaphor is saying that something is something else
Eg. The moon is a ball of crystal in the sky
The moon isn’t a crystal ball
What is a simile?
A simile is a comparison using as or like
Eg. The teeth were as sharp as razors
What is a personification?
A personification is giving human qualities to a non-human thing
Eg. The moon was sleeping under the pitch black blanket.
The moon doesn’t sleep.
When is vocabulary powerful?
Vocabulary is usually effective when it is not common
Eg. Melancholic is more effective than sad
What is an adverb?
An adverb is a word that describes a verb
Eg. He was walking joyfully
What is pathetic fallacy?
Pathetic fallacy is when the atmospherically conditions accompanied the characters’ feelings
Eg. He was so joyful, the sun was shining, the skies are clear…
What is alliteration?
Alliteration is when the first letter of a word is repeated in two or more words consecutively.
Eg. The crooked crocodile crawled through the jungle
What is assonance?
Assonance is when the vowel sounds in a word are repeated consecutively
The moaning groaning deck of the ship
What is consonance?
Consonance is when k sounds are repeated in 2 or more words
The creaking crack
What are plosives?
Plosives are when p or b sounds are repeated in 2 or more words consecutively
Eg. The big black wall
What is sibilance?
Sibilance is when s sounds are repeated in 2 or more words consecutively
The slithering snake
What is repetition?
Repetition is when a word is repeated more than once
Eg. Oh Lord, Oh lord
What is anaphora?
Anaphora is when a word is repeated more than once at the start of a sentence
What is the rule of three?
The rule of three is a persuasive device which says that something is three things
Eg. My house is beautiful, big, and colourful
What is hyperbole?
Hyperbole is when you exaggerate something
Eg. He was as tall as a tower