Vocabulary extension 1st TEST Flashcards
Put about (2)
1) spread bad news
2) to worry
Put ahead (2)
1) promote for advance
2) to change to have earlier
Put aside (3)
1) place to use later
2) to stop indulging in smth
3) to save smth , especially money, regularly
Put away (2)
1) place so it’s safe, out of the way
2) to dismiss from mind as unwanted
Put down (5)
1) place down
2) allow smb to get out of bus etc.
3) write a note
4) oppress
5) speak critically to make smb feel small
Put down to (1)
1) explain cause of smth
Put in (3)
1) install piece of equipment
2) spend time or effort on doing smth
3) interrupt with a remark
Put off (4)
1) switch off
2) postpone/delay
3) evade dealing with smb
4) cause strong dislike/disgust
Put on (5)
1) dress oneself
2) switch on
3) gain weight
4) produce a show
5) pretend
Put out (6)
1) stretch smth forward (e.g.arm)
2) make smb leave house
3) extinguish fire
4) produce smth like goods, statement, book etc
5) make smb annoyed, angry, upset
6) make smb unconscious before operation
Put oneself out (1)
1) spend time for smb else to inconvenience
Put through (3)
1) complete
2) pay for studies
3) make smd do smth unpleasant
Put up (6)
1) raise
2) build
3) display to public notice
4) increase
5) provide a place to stay
6) show great determination
Put up with (1)
1)tolerate, not complain
To call (5)
1) name/describe
2) speak loudly/shout
3) pay a brief visit
4) summon, ask, invite
5) telephone