Serrer le poing
To clench a fist
Déterminé (2 reponses)
Resolute / determined
Manifester (2 réponses)
To march / to demonstrate
Se rebeller / protester (2 rep)
To rebel / protest against
Obliger / forcer (3 rep)
To force / to compell / to oblige
Interdire (3 rep)
To ban from / to forbid to / to prohibit
Ethnique (2 rep)
Ethnical / racial
Emprisonner (2 rep)
To imprison / to send to jail
Être content (3 prop)
To be exhilarated / overjoyed / happy
Être gai
To be joyful
To crumble
Des étrangers (2 rep)
Foreigners / aliens
Affaiblir / «éroder» (3 rep)
To erode / to weaken / to enfeeble
Un genre de (2 rep)
Kind of (oral) / somewhat (écrit)
Une info / des infos
A piece of information / information
Un jeu de mot
A pun
Qui frappe fort / percutant (2 rep)
Hard-hitting / forceful
Faire pression sur
To put pressure on
Au nom de
On behalf of
An archbishop
Un archevêque
Impressionant (2 rep)
Towering / impressive
Forcer à faire qlq chose
To force to do / to force into doing smth
Le désir, la volonté forte (4 rep)
To yearn for / to // to crave for sth / to Verbe // to long for / to look forward to V-ing