Vocabulary - Chapter 9 Flashcards
annus, annī
year [m] [2nd decl.]
iussum, iussī
order, command [n] [2nd decl.]
nēmō, nēminis
no one [m or f] [3rd decl. irr.]
nox, noctis -ium
night [f] [3rd decl.]
tempus, temporis
time [n] [3rd decl.]
cōnsulātus, cōnsulātūs
consulship [m] [4th decl.]
domus, domūs
house, home [f] [4th decl.]
exercitus, exercitūs
army [m] [4th decl.]
manus, manūs
hand; band, troop [f] [4th decl.]
mōtus, mōtūs
motion, movement; disturbance [m] [4th decl.]
senātus, senātūs
senate [m] [4th decl.]
aciēs, aciēī
sharp edge; keenness; battle line [f] [5th decl.]
diēs, diēī
day [m or f] [5th decl.]
fidēs, fideī
faith, trust; trustworthiness; loyalty [f] [5th decl.]
rēs, reī
thing; property; matter, affair, situation [f] [5th decl.]
rēs gestae, reī gestārum
accomplishments; history [f. pl] [5th decl.]
rēs novae, rērum novārum
revolution [f. pl] [5th decl.]
rēs pūblica, reī publicae
republic [f] [5th decl.]
speciēs, *speciēī
appearance, aspect [f] (no genitive) [5th decl.]
hortor, hortārī, hortātus
urge, encourage, exhort [1st conj.] [deponent verb]
imperō, imperāre, imperāvī, imperātus
give an order (to); order, command (+dat) [1st conj.] [intransitive verb]
parō, parāre, parāvī, parātus
prepare (for); get, obtain [1st conj.] [transitive verb]
moneō, monēre, monuī, monitus
warn; remind; advise [2nd conj.]
pellō, pellere, pepulī, pulsus
push, drive (off) [3rd conj.]
quaerō, quaerere, quaesiī/quaesīvī, quaesītus
search for, seek, ask (for) [3rd conj.]
pūblicus, pūblica, pūblicum
public [1st and 2nd decl. adj.]
alius, aliad, aliud
other; another [1st and 2nd decl. adj. (gen + dat different)]
alter, altera, alterum
the other (of two) [1st and 2nd decl. adj. (gen + dat different)]
neuter, neutra, neutrum
neither (of two) [1st and 2nd decl. adj. (gen + dat different)]
nūllus, -a, um
not any, no [1st and 2nd decl. adj. (gen + dat different)]
sōlus, -a, -um
alone, only [1st and 2nd decl. adj. (gen + dat different)]
tōtus, -a, -um
whole, entire; all [1st and 2nd decl. adj. (gen + dat different)]
ūllus, -a, -um
any [1st and 2nd decl. adj. (gen + dat different)]
ūnus, -a, um
one; only [1st and 2nd decl. adj. (gen + dat different)]
uter, utra, utrum
(inter. adj.) which (of two) [1st and 2nd decl. adj. (gen + dat different)]
otherwise, in another way [adv.]
(by) now; (by) then, already; presently [adv.]
in order that… not (purpose clause); that… not (indirect command) [conj.]
on account of, because of [prep.+acc.]
quam ob rem
on account of which thing; therefore; why [rel. or interrog. adv.]
because of which thing; therefore; why [rel. or interrog. adv.]
to where, whither [rel. adv.]
where [rel. adv.]
from where, whence [rel. adv.]
in order that (Purpose clause); that (Indirect command) [conj.]