vocabulary Chapter 1 - Lesson 1/2 Flashcards
Map view
Drawn as if you were looking down on an area from above Earth’s surface
Profile view
Is a drawing that shows an object as though you were looking at it from the side
Map legend
A key that lists all the symbols used on the map
Map scale
is the relationship between a distance on the map and the distance on the ground
is the distance in degree east or west of the prime meridian
is the distance in degree north or south of equator
Time zone
is the area on Earth’s surface between two meridians where people use the same time
International Date line
the line of longitude 180 degree or west of the prime meridian
the height above sea level of any point on Earth’s surface
the difference in elevation between the highest and lowest point in an area
Topographic map
shows the detailed shapes of Earth’s surface, along with natural and human made features
Contour lines
are lines on the topographic map that connect points of equal elevation
Contour interval
the elevation difference between contours that are next to each other
is a measure of the steepness of the land
Remote sensing
is the process of collecting information about an area without coming into physical contact with it