Vocabulary Ch. 9 and Ch. 10 Flashcards
I would like
nous pourrions voir
we could see
je mangerais
I would eat
tu mangerais
you would eat
il mangerait
he would eat
nous mangerions
we would eat
vous mangeriez
you (all) would eat
ils mangeraient
they would eat
je partirais
I would leave
tu partirais
you would leave
il partirait
he would leave
nous partirions
we would leave
vous partieiez
you (all) would leave
ils partiraient
they would leave
je dirais
I would say
tu dirais
you would say
il dirait
he would say
nous dirions
we would say
vous diriez
you (all) would say
ils diraient
they would say
tu préférerais
you would prefer
vous diriez
you would tell
je sortirais
I would go out
il vendrait
he would sell
I would go
tu irais
you would go
il irait
he would go
nous irions
we would go
vous iriez
you (all) would go
ils iraient
they would go
I would have
tu aurais
you would have
il aurait
he would have
nous aurions
we would have
vous auriez
you (all) would have
ils auraient
they would have
I would send
tu enverrais
you would send
il enverrait
he would send
nous enverrions
we would send
vous enverriez
you (all) would send
ils enverraient
they would send
je serais
I would be
tu serais
you would be
il serait
he would be
nous serions
we would be
vous seriez
you (all) would be
ils seraient
they would be
je devrais
I should
tu devrais
you should
il devrait
he should
nous devrions
we should
vous devriez
you (all) should
ils devraient
they should
je ferais
I would do
tu ferais
you would do
il ferait
he would do
nous ferions
we would do
vous feriez
you (all) would do
ils feraient
they would do
je mourrais
I would die
tu mourrais
you would die
il mourrait
he would die
nous mourrions
we would die
vous mourriez
you (all) would die
ils mourraient
they would die
tu pourrais
you could
je pourrais
I could
il pourrait
he could
vous pourriez
you (all) could
ils pourraient
they could