Vocabulary Catullus 39 + 40 Flashcards
dens, dentis
tooth (m.)
shining white, bright (adj.)
renideo, renidere, renidui, -
to shine back, to be bright or resplendent, to be glad, to smile (back)
subsellium, subselli
a low seat or bench; the bench of a judge (n.)
excito, excitare, excitavi, excitatum
to rouse, awaken, summon; raise, build; encourage
fletus, fletus
weeping; tears (m.)
pius, -a, -um
pious, devout; dutiful, loyal; good, blessed
lugeo, lugere, luxi, luctum
to mourn, grieve, lament
orbum, -a, -us
bereaved, bereft, deprived (of) by death; orphaned, parentless, fatherless; childless; widowed
morbus, morbi
disease, sickness, malady; fault, vice, failing; sorrow, grief, distress (m.)
elegans, elegantis
fine, elegant, handsome; tasteful; fastidious, critical; discriminating, polite (all genders)
urbanus, -a, -um
of or belonging to a city, urban; fond of, or devoted to cities; cultivated, polished, refined (adj.)
moneo, monere, monui, monitum
warn, advice; remind
pinguis; pingue
fat, plump; thick, dense; dull, insipid; stupid (m./f.)(n.)
obesus, -a, -um
eaten away, devoured; wasted away, lean; fat, stout, plump; gross, dull, heavy, coarse (participle of obedo)
attingo, attingere,attigi, attactum
to come in contact with, touch; assault, strike; touch, taste; approach; be similar, belong, relate
cleanly, clearly, purely (adverb of purus)
lavo, lavare, lavi, lavatum
wash, bathe; wet, moisten
rideo, ridere, risi, risum
laugh; laugh at, ridicule, mock
mingo, mingere, minxi, mictum
to urinate
russus, -a, -um
red (adj.)
defrico, defricare, defricavi, defricatum
rub off; rub down
gingiva, gingivae
gum (in which teeth are set) (f.)
expolitus, -a, -um
polished (adj.)