Vocabulary C1 (2) Flashcards
na przełaj
to go further than the place you intended to stop or turn; minąć
lose one’s (your) bearings
stracić orientację
to move something repeatedly between your fingers, especially without any purpose; obracać
to examine something very carefully in order to discover information
too proud of your own abilities or achievements
detour (US)
a different route that is used because a road is closed; zmiana kierunku
en route
on the way; po drodze
retrace your steps
to go back to a place in the same way that you came
get into sth
to become interested in an activity or subject, or start being involved in an activity
get over sth
to return to your usual state of health or happiness after having a bad or unusual experience, or an illness
to make someone weaker or take away strength or an important quality from someone, especially over a long period of time
get through sth
to use up something in large quantities
get round to sth
to find the time to do something