Vocabulary 73-146 Flashcards
Universal; broad and comprehensive
-his catholic musical tastes included everything from opera to rap
Something that brings about a change in something else
-the imposition of harsh taxes was the catalyst that finally bought on the revolution
Biting in wit
-She gained her caustic reputation from her cutting, yet witty, insults
Great disorder; a confused situation
-in most religious traditions, god created an ordered universe from chaos
Someone prejudiced in favor of a group to which he or she belongs
-the attitude that men must be obeyed since they are inherently superior to women is common among male chauvinists
Deception by means of craft or guile
-dishonest used-car salesmen often use chicanery to sell their beat-up old cars
Cautious; aware of potential consequences
-she was very circumspect in her language and behavior when first introduced to her fiances parents
Sickly sweet; excessive
-when Enid and Jay first started dating, their cloying affection toward one another often made their friends ill
To grow together to form a single whole
-the sun and planets eventually coalesced out of vast cloud gas and dust
A strongbox; a large chest for money
-the bulletproof glass of the coffee is what keeps the Crown Jewels secure
Convincing and well-reasoned
-swayed by the cogent argument of the defense, the jury had no choice but to acquit the defendant
A collaboration; complicity; conspiracy
-it came to light that the police chief and the mafia had a collusion in running the numbers racket
To overlook, pardon, or disregard
-some theorists believe that failing prosecute minor crimes is the same as condoning and air of lawlessness
A person with expert knowledge or discriminating tastes
-dr. Crane was a connoisseur of fine food and wine, drinking and eating only the best
Deeply sorrowful and repentant for a wrong
-after three residents were mugged in the lobby while the watchman was away from his post, he felt very contrite
-the contumacious teenager ran away from home when her parents told her she was grounded
Intricate and complicate
-although many people bought the proffesors book, few people could follow it’s convoluted ideas and theories
To support with evidence
-all the DA needed were fingerprints to corroborate the witness’s testimony that he saw the defendant in the victim’s apartment
To pamper; to treat with great care
-Marta just loves cosset her first and only grandchild
An intimate group of persons with a similar purpose
-angel invited a coterie of fellow stamp enthusiasts to a stamp-trading party
Lacking courage
-the craven lion cringed in the corner if his cage, terrified of the mouse
Too trusting; gullible
-although some four-year-olds believe in the tooth fairy, only the most credulous 9 year old believe in her
Steady increase in volume or force
-the crescendo of the tension became unbearable as she prepared to jump his motorcycle over the school buses
Greed; strong desire
-the thief stared at the shining jewels with cupidity in his gleaming eyes
A cranky person, usually an old one
-Ernesto was a notorious curmudgeon who snapped at anyone who disturbed him for any reason
A young woman making debut in high society
-the debutante spent hours dressing from her very first ball, hoping to catch the eye of an eligible bachelor
A downward slope
-because the village was situated on the deck ivory of a hill, it never flooded
Proper; tasteful; socially correct
-the countess trained her daughters in the finer points of decorous behavior, hoping they would make a good impression when she presented them at court
Appropriateness of behavior or conduct; propriety
-the countess complained that the vulgar peasants lacked the decorum appropriate for a visit to the palace