Vocabulary 7 Flashcards
A man engaged to be married
noblesse oblige
Benevolent honorable behavior considered to be the responsibility of a persons of high birth or rank
A cappella
Without instrumental accompaniment
Non sequitur
Logic and inference or a conclusion that does not follow from the premises, A statement containing an illogical conclusion
Original form of language jargon, a rural or provincial form of speech
A mixture of dried puddles of roses or other flowers with spices kept in a jar for their fragrance
No longer fashionable or in wide use
A clause in a statute contract or the like
One who hates marriage
A person who engages in study sports or other activity for pleasure rather than for financial benefit or professional reasons
Quid pro quo
One thing in return for another something that is given or taken in return for something else substitute
En masse
Altogether in one group or body
Face-to-face in relation to or compared with
An evening party or social gathering
A sea monster any huge marine animal as the whale
Piece de resistance
The principal dish of a meal the most noteworthy feature aspect event etc. of a series or group
Gruesome and horrifying ghastly horrible
A member of the middle class
Tending to vanish like vapor fading away tending to pass away or become in perceptible
A short descriptive literary sketch seen or instant as for a movie or a decorative design or small illustration used on the title page of a book or at the beginning or end of a chapter
Passing the bounds of what his usual or considered proper unconventional or bizarre
Agreeably pungent or sharp in taste or flavor
Without the intrusion of a third person in intimate privacy talk
Je ne sais quoi
Something that cannot be adequately described or expressed
La Dolce Vita
The suite life the good life perceived as one of physical pleasure in self-indulgence
At an appropriate time pertinent opportune
Caveat emptor
A commercial principle that without a warrantee the buyer takes upon himself the rest of quality
Par excellence
Being an example of excellence superior preeminent
Status quo
The existing state or condition
Dolce far niente
Carefree idleness
A subtle difference or distinction in meaning
Surrounding atmosphere the mood character quality town atmosphere etc particularly of an environment
Idèe fixe
A fixed idea
Things that are remarkable and worthy of remembrance
Sub rosa
Confidentiality secretly privately confidential secret private
Savoir faire
Debility to say or do the right and graceful thing
Faux pas
A slip or blender and etiquette and manners or conduct
The quality or state of being impressive or awesome lofty or elevated and conception or treatment
Indifferent to or bored with life I’m impressed as or as if from an excess of worldly pleasures
Sotto voce
In the low soft voice so as not to be overheard
Hors d’oeuvre
A small bit of advertising food as spicy meat fish cheese or preparation of chopped or clean foods often served on crackers or small piece of toast for eating a cocktail parties are other gatherings or drinks are served with no other food
Post mortem
Occurring or done after death
Tour de force
A feet requiring unusual strength and skill or ingenuity
Pima Donna
Leading woman soloist in an opera company vain and temperamental person
Resembling or having a likeness to something