Vocabulary Flashcards
a person who rebels against any authority, established order, or ruling power.
information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.
A person who supports or believes in the principles of communism.
A military campaign intended to bring out a swift military victory. First used in the German assault on Poland.
To ban the sales of alcohol or any other commodity.
The Nazi Party
A political party ruled by Adolf Hitler between 1933 and 1945.
A dugout made in the ground, which housed the troops in World War I. The conditions were almost unbearable.
A right-wing political ideology, where the people are not put into a hierarchy of wealth, and everyone has the same items, with no luxuries. This society depends on the working class, and it was first used in Soviet Russia.
When the prices of items rise, but the value of the dollar falls drastically.
The act of persecuting Jews, based on religion. The Germans and Nazis were Anti Semitic.
The Great Depression
On October 29, 1929 when the New York Stock Market crashed and marked the beginning of the Great Depression.
United Nations
A group of countries who organized a league where conflicts would be resolved in diplomatic matters, without violence.
Having pride for one’s country and readiness to protect it.
A group of people, who resist another ideology or group. They are usually small, and work in secret. They could be violent or work through politics.
League of Nations
The league that occurred before the United Nations. They had good intentions, similar to those of the UN, but ultimately failed due to a number of factors.
A boundary of any sort.
The mandatory enlistment into war. This was usually used in smaller countries where an army was desperately needed.
Biotic Components
The living components of the environment.
The non living components of the environment.
People who study the environment and all the interactions with it.
The acronym for the Treaty of Versailles:
B- Germany had to accept blame for starting the war.
R- Germany had to pay 6.6 million pounds to pay for all the damage done.
A- They had to limit their army to 100,000 men, 6 ships, and no air force, submarine, or tanks.
The acronym for the causes of WWI:
M- Militarism countries got into an arms race
A- There were powerful alliances (Triple Alliance and Entente) which dragged the major powers into the war,
I- Imperialism, people wanted to expand territory.
N- People were proud of the countries and would fight for it.
The temperature of a place over an extended period of time.
L- Latitude, the closer to the equator, the warmer the temperature.
O- Ocean Currents, if there are cool ocean currents, there will be a warmer temperature,
W- Prevailing winds, winds in the northern hemisphere blow from west to east.
E- Elevation, the higher the place, the cooler the temperature.
R- Relief, the shape of the land determines climate.
Broadest biographic division of the Earth’s surface.
Triple Alliance
An alliance between Germany, Austria Hungary, and Italy.
An alliance between Germany, Italy, Japan.
In WWI countries wanted to get into an arms race and build armies.
A group of people working together. In the second World War, it was Britain, France, and Russia.
In WWI people wanted to expand their territory.
Treaty of Versailles
The treaty that Germany signed to end the war,
Harlem Renaissance
A period of time in the 1920s where black culture in Harlem, New York was at a high.
Black Tuesday
October 29, 1929. When the New York Stock Market crashed, ending the Roaring 20s, and starting the Great Depression.
Authoritative government
A form of government that includes totalitarian, dictatorship, and fascism. These were present in WWII.
Red Scare
The fear of communism spreading in the 1920’s. Americans felt that the communists were taking their jobs.
Instalment Plan
Henry Fords method of making cars a commonplace item. He made a plan where small payments would be made on a schedule, rather than upfront.
Trench Warfare
A style of fighting in WWI where men would stay in large dugouts, and little advancements would be made.