Vocabulary Flashcards
Is the process by which an individual or minority’s group loses its original culture when absorbed into another culture
A country or territory is governed internally by foreign power (direct)
A country/ territory is governed by its own leaders but it’s under the power of an outside power ( indirect ) aka a “puppet state”
Sphere of influence
A country / territory where the foreign power has exclusive training rights
Economic imperialism
A country / territory is controlled by a private business rather than the government.
Maji Maji
Rebellion in east Africa that failed, magic water could protect against the army. 75,000 were killed
Resisted imperialism. Resistance led by kind Menilek II - obtained modern weapons and defeated the Italians.
Another country that resisted imperialism. Protected by the USA - it was a ex slave colony. So the Europeans left them alone
Ottoman Empire
Controlled the Middle East region for 300 yrs, but for the, power was on the decline.
An interest in the taking of land for its strategic location or products.
Middle East ( crossroads )
A strategic location, connects Europe, Asia and Africa. So whoever go it would control much of the worlds trade.
Crimean war
1845 Black Sea flight to control the Middle East between the Russians and the Ottomans. Russia was defeated.
Policy where the Europeans governed weaker countries in a paternal way.