Vocabulary Flashcards
the need or desire that people have for particular goods and services:
Production is increasing faster than demand.
1. istem, istek; talep.
2. tic., ekon. talep, rağbet.
3. huk. talep, hak iddia etme.
1. talep etmek, istemek.
2. gerektirmek.
3. huk. mahkemeye celbetmek.
1way somebody/something looks [C,U] the way someone or something looks to other people:
He was always criticising his wife’s appearance.
1. görünme, gözükme.
2. görünüş, görünüm, dış görünüş.
3. meydana çıkma.
[C,U] an opinion that you form, especially after thinking carefully about something:
It’s too soon to make a judgment about what the outcome will be.
In my judgment, we should accept his offer.
pass judgment (on something)
(=give your opinion, especially a negative one)
Our aim is to help him, not to pass judgment on what he has done.
I’d advise you to reserve judgment (=not decide your opinion before you have all the facts).
against your better judgment
(=even though you do not think it is a sensible thing to do)
I lent him the money, against my better judgment.
2ability to decide
[U] the ability to make sensible decisions about what to do and when to do it:
I’ve known him for years and I trust his judgment.
i. hüküm, karar, yargı.
1[C,U] the process of watching something or someone carefully for a period of time:
Bloomfield’s approach to linguistics was based on observation of the language.
He spent two nights under close observation in hospital.
1. gözlem, gözleme.
2. gözetleme, gizlice bakma.
3. ileri sürülen düşünce/ fikir.
formal a particular quality in someone’s character:personality/character traits
a mental illness associated with particular personality traits
i. özellik, hususiyet.
1belief [U] a strong belief in the honesty, goodness etc of someone or something:
At first there was a lack of trust between them.
an agreement made on the basis of mutual trust (=when people trust each other)
1. güven, itimat.
2. umut.
3. emanet.
4. sorumluluk; görev, vazife.
5. mütevellilik; mutemetlik.
6. vakıf.
1. güvenmek, itimat etmek: The child trusts its mother. Çocuk annesine güveniyor. She trusts her husband to do the shopping. Alışveriş için kocasına itimat ediyor.
2. emanet etmek: trust something to someone bir şeyi birine emanet etmek. trust someone with something bir şeyi birine emanet etmek.
3. inanmak: I trust his statement. İfadesine inanıyorum.
4. in -e güveni olmak: He trusts in his own abilities. Kendi yeteneklerine güveni var.
denied, denying, denies
1say something is not true to say that something is not true, or that you do not believe something➔ denial:
deny (that)
I’ve never denied that there is a housing problem.
I can’t deny her remarks hurt me.
deny doing something
Two men have denied murdering a woman at a remote picnic spot.
strongly/vehemently/strenuously etc deny something
Jackson vehemently denied the allegations.
The government denied the existence of poverty among 16- and 17-year-olds.
deny a charge/allegation/claim
The men have denied charges of theft.
2not allow to refuse to allow someone to have or do something:
landowners who deny access to the countryside
1. inkâr etmek, yadsımak.
2. yalanlamak.
3. reddetmek.
4. -den yoksun bırakmak, esirgemek, vermemek.
Rely on
(relied, relying, relies)
rely on/upon somebody/something
phr v
1to trust or depend on someone or something to do what you need or expect them to do➔ reliable, reliance:
I knew I could rely on David. rely on somebody/something to do something Many working women rely on relatives to help take care of their children.
f. on -e güvenmek, -e itimat etmek, -e bel bağlamak.
1someone who is attractive is good looking, especially in a way that makes you sexually interested in them:
an attractive young woman Women seem to find him attractive.
2pleasant to look at:
Kitchen utensils should be attractive as well as functional.
3having qualities that make you want to accept something or be involved in it:
a political movement that is attractive to young people
attractive offer/proposition/package etc
I must say, it’s a very attractive offer.
s. cazibeli, çekici, alımlı.
having a lot of curls
OPP straight
long dark curly hair
2BrE curved in shape:
cows with curly horns
s. kıvırcık, kıvır kıvır.
able to be trusted to do what you need or expect:
our most dependable ally a dependable source of income
s. güvenilir.
Depend on
de·pend on
depend on/upon somebody/something
phr v
1if something depends on something else, it is directly affected or decided by that thing:
The length of time spent exercising depends on the sport you are training for.
depend on how/what/whether etc
Choosing the right bike depends on what you want to use it for. depending on something The expenses you claim can vary enormously, depending on travel distances involved.
f. on/ upon
1. -e güvenmek.
2. -e bağlı olmak:
The number of people who will come depends on how many tickets we can sell.
Geleceklerin sayısı satabileceğimiz biletlerin sayısına bağlı.
3. -e bağımlı olmak:
That child depends on her mother.
O çocuk annesine bağımlı.
s. dürüst olmayan, sahtekâr, yalancı.
1used as a polite way of saying that someone is old or becoming old:
a well-dressed elderly woman
2the elderly people who are old:
a retirement village for the elderly
s. oldukça yaşlı.
1someone who is generous is willing to give money, spend time etc, in order to help people or give them pleasure
OPP mean
She’s always very generous to the kids.
s. cömert, eli açık.
1character someone who is honest always tells the truth and does not cheat or steal
OPP dishonest
He was a hard-working honest man. Ann had an honest face.
2statement/answer etc not hiding the truth or the facts about something
SYN frank
Do you want my honest opinion?
an honest answer
Let’s be honest: the only reason she married him was for his money.
At least he was honest with you.
She was always very honest about her feelings.
1. dürüst, namuslu.
2. hilesiz.
doing careless things without thinking or worrying about the possible bad results
OPP responsible
totally/highly/completely etc irresponsible
When it comes to money, Dan is completely irresponsible.
it is irresponsible (for somebody) to do something
It would be irresponsible not to turn up for work without calling.
It was highly irresponsible of him to leave the children on their own in the pool.
S. Sorumsuz
1. adi, aşağı, bayağı.
2. kötü (davranış); kötü davranan; zalim, acımasız.
3. İng. cimri, pinti.
4. k. dili huysuz.
5. k. dili zor, güç.
1informal not generous, especially with money
SYN mean
She’s too stingy to give money to charity.
2a stingy amount of something, especially food, is too small:
a stingy portion of vegetables
s. cimri, eli sıkı, hasis, pinti.
- avlu, iç bahçe.
- kort.
- saray, hükümdar ve maiyeti.
- huk. mahkeme.
i. mıntıka, bölge, mahalle.
A small one room apartment with the kitchen bedroom and living room all in one room.
Garbage disposal
a small machine in the kitchen sink which breaks vegetable waste into small pieces so that it washes down the drain of the sink
SYN waste disposal
a legal agreement which allows you to use a building, car etc for a period of time, in return for rent:
They took out a lease on a seven-acre field.
The landlord refused to renew his lease.
The 99-year lease expired in 1999.
Do you understand all the terms of the lease?
1. kira sözleşmesi.
2. kiralama.
1. kiralamak.
2. kiraya vermek.
a new lease on life
(hastalıktan/ üzüntüden sonra) yeniden hayata başlama.
1place/object [C] one of the parts that something such as an object or place is divided into:
a busy section of road
the reference section of the library
The plane’s tail section was found in a cornfield.
the smoking section (=where you can smoke)
2part of a whole [C] one of the separate parts of a structure, piece of furniture etc that you fit together to form the whole:
in sections
The boats were built in Scotland, and transported to Egypt in sections.
3book/newspaper/report [C]
a separate part of a book, newspaper, document, report etc:
This issue will be discussed further in section two.
sports/style/business/travel etc section
(=particular part of a newspaper)
4group of people [C] a separate group within a larger group of people:
a large section of the American public
1. kısım, parça, bölüm.
2. şube, dal, kol.
3. tıb. operasyon.
4. (yataklı vagonda) kompartıman.
5. kesme, kesiş.
6. geom. kesit.
7. bölge.
8. huk. paragraf.
1. kısımlara ayırmak/ bölmek, kesimlemek.
2. kesmek.
1[C usually plural] a service such as gas or electricity provided for people to use:
Does your rent include utilities?
1. yarar, fayda, işe yararlık.
2. kamu hizmet kuruluşu (elektrik şirketi, telefon şirketi v.b.).
1[I] to disagree with someone in words, often in an angry way:
We could hear the neighbours arguing.
Gallacher continued to argue with the referee throughout the game.
They were arguing about how to spend the money.
The children were arguing over which TV programme to watch.
1. tartışmak, münakaşa etmek.
2. kavga etmek; çekişmek; atışmak.
3. that -i savunmak, -i iddia etmek.
4. -e belirti olmak, -e alamet olmak.
1think about [I,T] to think about something carefully, especially before making a choice or decision:
consider doing something
I seriously considered resigning (=almost actually resigned).
consider the possibility of (doing) something
Have you considered the possibility of retraining?
consider whether (to do something)
We are considering whether to change our advice to tourists.
consider where/how/why etc
We’re still considering where to move to.
We will have to consider your offer carefully.
be considering your position formal
(=be deciding whether or not to leave your job)
2opinion [T] to think of someone or something in a particular way or to have a particular opinion:
consider (that)
The local authority considered that the school did not meet requirements.
1. üzerinde düşünmek; düşünmek.
2. göz önünde tutmak, dikkate almak, hesaba katmak.
3. saymak, addetmek.
to put furniture and other things into a house or room:
Having bought the house, they couldn’t afford to furnish it.
furnish something with something
a room furnished with a desk and swivel chair
1. döşemek; donatmak.
2. sağlamak.
[du, dyu]
1expected [not before noun] expected to happen or arrive at a particular time:
due to do something
The team are due to fly to Italy next month.
His new book is due to be published next year.
She’s pregnant and the baby’s due in April.
The final results of the experiment are due on December 9.
I’m due at his office at 4.30.
The car is due for its annual service again.
When are the library books due back?
➔ due date
2owed owed to someone either as a debt or because they have a right to it:
Any money due you will be sent by cheque through the post.
1. (akla/ kanunlara/ toplumca makbul sayılana) uygun olan.
2. hak ettiği, gereken:
This matter is at last being given due attention. Bu mesele nihayet hak ettiği ilgiyi görüyor.
z. tam (bir yöne) doğru:
It´s due east of here. Buranın tam doğusunda.
i. hak ettiği şey, hak.
be due
1. to -den kaynaklanmak/ ileri gelmek, -e borçlu olmak.
2. -in verilmesi/ ödenmesi gerekmek/ lazım olmak:
When is this note due? Bu senedin vadesi ne zaman doluyor?
3. (belirli bir zamanda/ belirli bir programa göre) (bir olayın meydana gelmesi) gerekmek/ lazım olmak/ beklenmek:
The bus is due at nine. Otobüsün dokuzda gelmesi lazım.
4. (bebeğin doğumu) beklenmek:
When´s her baby due? Ne zaman doğum yapacak?
1[+ adj/adv] more than a little, but much less than very➔ quite:
The house had a fairly large garden.
She speaks English fairly well.
The instructions seem fairly straightforward.
2in a way that is fair, honest, and reasonable:
I felt I hadn’t been treated fairly.
1. adaletli/ adil bir şekilde.
2. oldukça: fairly big oldukça büyük.
3. âdeta: He fairly flew down the stairs. Merdivenlerden âdeta uçarak indi.