Vocabulary Flashcards
Differences between shinny and thin or slim?
Both are opposite of fat but skinny is neg adj
Difference between thrifty and stingy
Both are adjective to describe a person doesn’t like to spend money, but stingy is a negative adj
ha·tred \ˈhā-trəd\ noun \: a very strong feeling of dislike Full Definition 1 :hate 2 :prejudiced hostility or animosity Examples
He had an irrational fear and hatred of foreigners.
She makes no attempt to conceal her hatred for her opponents.
This troubled city is filled with hatred, prejudice, crime, and fear.
The war was fueled by hatreds that were centuries old.
Strong opinion
To take after?
Just for family in personality
To look like?
For appearance and looks
A mortgage?
: a legal agreement in which a person borrows money to buy property (such as a house) and pays back the money over a period of years
Full Definition
1 :a conveyance of or lien against property (as for securing a loan) that becomes void upon payment or performance according to stipulated terms
2 a :the instrument evidencing the mortgage
b :the state of the property so mortgaged
c :the interest of the mortgagee in such property
He will have to take out a mortgage in order to buy the house.
They hope to pay off the mortgage on their home soon.
To contact sb or
To communicate with sb
Same meaning or not?
same meaning
: a part of a building through which smoke rises into the outside air; especially : the part that sticks up above the roof
: a tall narrow opening through a large piece of rock (such as a cliff) that can be used for climbing the rock
Full Definition
plural chimneys
1 dial :fireplace, hearth
2 :a vertical structure incorporated into a building and enclosing a flue or flues that carry off smoke; especially :the part of such a structure extending above a roof
3 :smokestack
4 :a tube usually of glass placed around a flame (as of a lamp)
5 :something resembling a chimney: as
a :a narrow cleft or passage in rock
b :a tall column of rock on the ocean floor that is formed by the precipitation of minerals from superheated water issuing from a hydrothermal vent and rising through the column of rock
To heat the room
\ˈrā-dē-ˌā-tər, dial ˈra-\
: a large, metal device that is next to the wall in a room and that becomes hot and provides heat for the room when hot water passes through it
: a device that is used to keep the engine of a vehicle from getting too hot
Full Definition
:one that radiates: as
a :any of various devices (as a series of pipes or tubes) for transferring heat from a fluid within to an area or object outside
b :a transmitting antenna
A fire place?
: a specially built place in a room where a fire can be built
Full Definition
1 :a framed opening made in a chimney to hold an open fire :hearth; also :a metal container with a smoke pipe used for the same purpose
2 :an outdoor structure of brick, stone, or metal for an open fire
To sew? Sewed-sown
To fix clothes
sew \ˈsō\ verb \: to make or repair something (such as a piece of clothing) by using a needle and thread Full Definition sewedsewn \ˈsōn\ or sewedsew·ing transitive verb 1 :to unite or fasten by stitches 2 :to close or enclose by sewing intransitive verb \:to practice or engage in sewing — sew·abil·i·ty \ˌsō-ə-ˈbi-lə-tē\ noun — sew·able \ˈsō-ə-bəl\ adjective Examples
She sews her own dresses by hand. He sewed a patch onto his sleeve. I sewed the button back on the shirt. The surgeon sewed the wound shut. She designs her own dresses and sews in her free time.
To sue sb?
Processar-when sb does sth wrong to you and you pay a lawyer
sue \ˈsü\ verb \: to use a legal process by which you try to get a court of law to force a person, company, or organization that has treated you unfairly or hurt you in some way to give you something or to do something : to bring a lawsuit against someone or something Full Definition suedsu·ing transitive verb 1 obsolete :to make petition to or for 2 archaic :to pay court or suit to :woo 3a :to seek justice or right from (a person) by legal process; specifically :to bring an action against b :to proceed with and follow up (a legal action) to proper termination intransitive verb 1 :to make a request or application :plead —usually used with for or to 2 :to pay court :woo 3 :to take legal proceedings in court — su·er noun Examples
Some people sue over the most minor things.
People injured in accidents caused by the defective tire have threatened to sue.
They’ve threatened to sue the company.
He is suing the doctor who performed the unnecessary surgery.
To refund?
When sb give your money back
1re·fund \ri-ˈfənd, ˈrē-ˌ\ verb transitive verb 1 :to give or put back 2 :to return (money) in restitution, repayment, or balancing of accounts — re·fund·abil·i·ty \ri-ˌfən-də-ˈbi-lə-tē, (ˌ)rē-\ noun — re·fund·able \-ˈfən-də-bəl\ adjective
To threaten sb?
A rookie error
Erro de principiante
To wear a sunscreen or to use a sunscreen?
To put on sunscreen or to apply sunscreen?
Both but apply is more formal
Brothers and sisters
How can we use the verb compete?
To compete with siblings
To compete against siblings
To compete for something
What’s the birth orders?
The oldest
The middle child
The youngest
The only child
How can we describe a child that their parent give everything?
Indulged (formal)
To spoil someone
How can we describe a child that tell everything to the parents?
To be a tell-tale
Who are our immediate family?
Who are our extended family?
Our uncles, cousins, etc
What is a close family?
Good relationship
What’s the difference between hard (adv) and hardly (adv)
Hard means strong and goes after main verb: Lesley works hard at school
Hardly means rarely and goes before the main verb; Lesley hardly work at school
How we call the person who did sth wrong in a company and lose their job?
To be fired, to be sacked, to lose one’s job
How we call the person who didn’t anything wrong in a company but lose their job?
To be made redundant
To be cut
What is a witness?
A person who saw a crime
What’s a worthwhile job?
Has a value, not superficial, like a voluntary in Africa
To afford?
To be able to pay for sth
To be able to do sth
We can’t afford new clothes this month
Too much work
To be keen on?
To be into sth
To like the idea?
To fancy doing
Fancy + verb + ing
To give sth a go
To try
I’d like to give scuba diving a go!