Vocabulary 3 Flashcards
- Emulate
(v): to try to be like
- Enigmatic
(adj): mysterious
- Ennui
(n): lack of spirit
- Ephemeral
(adj): lasting for a very long time
- Epicure
(n): a person who takes pleasure in fine food and wine
- Equivocate
(n): to use unclear language to deceive
- Erudition
(n): the quality of having great knowledge or learning
- Esoteric
(adj): understood by or meant for only the select few with special knowledge or interest
- Espouse
(v): to express support for a cause
- Ethereal
(adj): heavenly
- Extol
(v): praise enthusiastically
- Fatuous
(n): to be silly and pointless
- Fecund
(adj): producing an abundance of offspring
- Felicity
(n): the state of being happy
- Fetid
(adj): smelling extremely unpleasant
- Flippant
(adj): not showing a serious or respectful attitude
- Florid
(adj): having a red or flushed complexion
- Foible
(n): a weakness or flaw in character
- Furtive
(adj): attempting to avoid notice or attention because of guilt
- Flippant
(adj): not showing a serious or respectful attitude
- Florid
(adj): having a red or flushed complexion
- Garish
(adj): obtrusively bright and showing
- Garner
(v): to gather or collect
- Guile
(n): of sly or cunning intelligence.
- Hedonism
(n): the belief that pleasure or happiness is the most important goal of life
- Heretic
(n): a person holding an opinion at odds with what is generally accepted
- Hiatus
(n): a pause or gap in a process
- Histrionic
(adj): overly theatrical or melodramatic in character or style
(adj): gray if white, old and white
(adj): unchanging over a period of time.