vocabulary Flashcards
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abject poverty
extreme poverty in which a person lives on less than one dollar per day.
aboriginal collective thought
a way of thinking that values the group are more important than the individual.
Aboriginal Healing foundation
is to encourage and support Aboriginal Peoples as they creat healing processes.
Aboriginal Rights
the rights of the first nations, including their land and treaty rights history and language.
Aboriginal self government
First nation metis and inuit groups making their own decisions in the economy.
Who was Adam Smith
- Father of Capitalism
- Scottish political economist
- challanged ideas of mercantalism
- change towards lassiez-faire capitalism and free market economy.
Adherence to collective norms
faithful observance of the norms or standards imposed on members of a group condition of membership in the group.
unselfishness and focus on the needs of others
Anti-Terrorism Act
law passed by Canada’s parilment in december 2001due to september 11 2001, this gave canada special powers like surveillance and detention for dealing with people assosiated with terrorism
Anti war Movement
an organized campign against war. Veitnam anti war movement gained public support in the late 1960’s
the process by whereby ethnic or cultural groups adopt the culture of a dominant society.
Authoritarian political systems
political systems in which all decisions related to governing the state.
the ideas and understandings that a person holds to be true, ofteninfluenced by such things as ones culture
Members of wing of the Russian Social-democratic workes party.
A french word that reffers to the middle class workes in europe in the middele ages. Karl marx used this word to refer to the buisness owning class
international behaviour or foreign policy that takes a country to the brink of war.
Canadian charter of rights and freedoms
A document entrenched in the Constitutional act,1982 that lista and describes the fundemental rights and freedoms guaranteed to Canadians
an ecomic system based on free markets fair competition,wise consumers,and profit-motivated producers.
capitalist economy
an economy that opertaes with limited government intervention
restricting freedoms of expression of freedom of access to work.
centrally planned economy
an economic system based on ownership of property.
membership by birth or naturalization in society.
civil disobedience
intentional,public refusal to obey a law usually a form of non violent political protest
class system
the division of a society into different classes of people.
classical liberal
based on the ideology of classical liberalism.
Classical liberalism
an idea that is bases on the belief that the rights and freedoms of the individual should be the base for society.
Cold War
an ideological between the communist Soviet Union and its allies.
Collective Interest
the set of goals or ideals that members of a group pursue together and that will benifit the group as a whole.
collective responsibility
a groups responsibility for the actions of all of its individual members.
Collective Security
the mutual protection of the members of an organization against an outside threat.
Collective will
the wants or wishes of a group of people
an ideology that places the needs and wants of a group before the individual
command economy
an economic system based on public ownership of property.
common good
the good of a community something that benifts the public health
an ideology based on the belief that the oppressed working class must overcome its property-owning oppressors through revolution.
the struggle among two or more people or groups for an economic social or political advantage.
consensus decision making
a form of decision making whereby individuals in a group share ideas
constitutional act
the act originally passed by the British Parliment that established Canada and its form of government
constitutional monarchy
a political system in which a monarch share power with a constitutionalll organized government.
the US Cold War poicy of stopping the spread of communism by establishing strategic allies around the world
people working together
cost of living
how much money is needed to provide a person or family with a certain standard of living
Crown corporations
companies owned by Canadain federal or provinvial governments
Crown Land
government owned land
compulsory enfranchisement
the automatic loss of status and rights provided by the Indian Act
an obligation to pay back borrowed money
a political system in which the people have the power to make or influence government decisions
a period of the Cold War from the mid 1960’s to 1979 during which the major powers tried to lesson the tenisions between them with diplomacy
the cold war foriegn policy of both major powers aiming to deter the military advances of the other
a individual ruler or small group that has complete control over the laws by which its people live
a form of government in which one person or small group posses absolute power
democratic socialism
a political ideology that advocates a peaceful evolutionary transition of society from capitalism to socialism
direct democracy
a form of democratic government in which people participate directly in political decision making
distribution of wealth
how the wealth and income generated by an economy are divided or shared among the different groups
economic equality
a principle common to collectivist ideologies
economic freedom
the ability of individuals to act freely as consumers and producers within an economic system
an ideology that holds that all the people should be treated as equals
emergencies act
a set of laws that permits the Canadain Government to invoke special measures to deal with emergencies