vocabulary 19 Flashcards
ten amendments
bill of rights
protections against government
civil liberties
positive acts of government
civil rights
people who are not citizens of the country in which they live
no state shall deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law
due process clause
establishment of religion
establishment clause
church related schools
the right to believe whatever he or she chooses to believe in matters of religion
free exercise clause
the false and malicious use of printed words
the false and malicious use of spoken words
the advocating, or urging, of such conduct
seditious speech
the crime of attempting to overthrow the government by force or to disrupt its lawful activities by violent acts
government can not place this on spoken or written words.
prior restraint
give reporters some protection against having to disclose their sources or reveal other confidential information in legal proceedings in those states
shield laws
the expression by conduct
symbolic speech