vocabulary Flashcards
what is the democracy?
the democracy is a government that is controlled by the people who live under it. (демократия)
what bis the civil rights?
the rights of a citizen (гражданские права)
Magna Carta
the Great Charter which guaranteed the English people certain civil rights.(Великая хартия вольностей)
a country without a monarch (республика)
constitutional monarchy
a monarchy in which the monarch rules according to the constitution and laws of the nation.(конституционная монархия)
any christian not belonging to the Roman Catholic or Orthodox Eastern Church. (протестант)
Church of England
the established church in England, headed by the monarch.(Англиканская церковь)
a follower of the teaching of John Calivin, a leader of the Protestant Reformation.(кальвинист)
absolute monarchy
a king, gueen, emperor, or empress with unlimited power. (абсолютная монархия)
ship money
in earlier times, coastal towns had to supply the king with ships, or their value in money. Charles I made all towns and londowners pay ship money.
tunnage and poundage
a customs duty or tax collected on the tons and pounds of goods coming into or leaving the country.
to billet
to require homeowners to provide food and lodging for soldiers. (расквартировать)
a name showing a person’s rank and position in life.
Court of Star Chamber
a royal court in which people had no legal rights. (Суд Звездная палата)
writ of habeas corpus
an order requiring thet a prisoner be taken to court to decide if he or she is being imprisoned lawfully.(предписание о представлении арестованного в суд)