Vocabulary Flashcards
What does the term ‘abandon’ mean?
To give up completely or leave behind
Often refers to leaving something without intending to return.
Define ‘abstract’.
Existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical or concrete existence
Commonly used in art and philosophy.
What is an ‘academy’?
An institution of higher learning or specialized education
Can also refer to a society of scholars.
What does ‘access’ refer to?
The means or opportunity to approach or enter a place
Can also pertain to obtaining information or services.
Fill in the blank: To _______ means to provide what is needed.
What does it mean to ‘accompany’ someone?
To go somewhere with someone
Often implies providing support or companionship.
What does it mean to ‘accumulate’?
To gather or collect over time
This can refer to materials, wealth, or knowledge.
Define ‘accurate’.
Free from error or mistake; precise
Important in measurements, data, and statements.
What does it mean to ‘achieve’ something?
To successfully reach a desired objective or result
Often associated with goals and aspirations.
What does it mean to ‘acknowledge’?
To recognize the existence or truth of something
Can also refer to showing appreciation.
What does ‘acquire’ mean?
To obtain or gain possession of something
This can involve skills, knowledge, or physical items.
Fill in the blank: To _______ means to adjust or modify.
What does ‘adequate’ mean?
Sufficient; enough to meet the needs
Often used in the context of resources or conditions.
What does ‘adjacent’ refer to?
Next to or adjoining something else
Commonly used in geography and architecture.
What does it mean to ‘adjust’?
To change or modify something slightly
Often refers to settings or conditions.
What is meant by ‘administrate’?
To manage or oversee the execution of policies and procedures
Often associated with organizational roles.
Define ‘adult’.
A person who is fully grown or developed
Typically refers to individuals over the age of 18.
What does it mean to ‘advocate’?
To publicly support or recommend a particular cause or policy
Often involves speaking on behalf of others.
Fill in the blank: A _______ is one who recommends or supports something.
What does ‘affect’ mean?
To have an influence on something
Can refer to emotions, conditions, or decisions.
Define ‘aggregate’.
A whole formed by combining several elements
Often used in statistics and data analysis.
What is the meaning of ‘aid’?
To help or assist
Can refer to financial support or physical assistance.
True or False: ‘Albeit’ means ‘although’.
Used to introduce a contrast.
What does it mean to ‘allocate’ resources?
To distribute resources for a specific purpose
Commonly used in budgeting and project management.
Fill in the blank: To _______ means to change or modify.
Define ‘alternative’.
One of two or more available possibilities
Often used in decision-making contexts.
What does ‘ambiguous’ mean?
Open to more than one interpretation; unclear
Can create confusion in communication.
What does it mean to ‘amend’ a document?
To make changes or corrections to it
Often involves legal or formal documents.
What is an ‘analogy’?
A comparison between two things, typically for the purpose of explanation or clarification
Used to illustrate concepts.
What does it mean to ‘analyze’ data?
To examine in detail for purposes of explanation and interpretation
Essential in research and statistics.
What does ‘annual’ refer to?
Occurring once every year
Common in reports and events.
Fill in the blank: To _______ means to expect or look forward to something.
What does ‘apparent’ mean?
Clearly visible or understood; obvious
Often used to describe situations or feelings.
What does it mean to ‘append’ something?
To add something to the end of a document or text
Common in writing and editing.
What does it mean to ‘appreciate’?
To recognize the full worth of something
Can also refer to feeling grateful.
What does ‘approach’ refer to?
A way of dealing with something or a method
Can also imply coming closer to something.
Fill in the blank: Something that is _______ is suitable or proper.
Define ‘approximate’.
Close to the actual, but not completely accurate or exact
Often used in measurements.
What does ‘arbitrary’ mean?
Based on random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason or system
Can lead to unfair outcomes.
What does ‘area’ refer to?
A region or part of a larger space
Can refer to physical spaces or fields of study.
What is an ‘aspect’?
A particular part or feature of something
Important for understanding complex concepts.
What does it mean to ‘assemble’ something?
To gather together in one place for a common purpose
Often refers to building or constructing.
What does it mean to ‘assess’ something?
To evaluate or estimate the nature, ability, or quality of it
Commonly used in education and performance reviews.
What does ‘assign’ mean?
To allocate a task or responsibility to someone
Often used in educational and professional contexts.
Fill in the blank: To _______ means to help or provide support.
What does it mean to ‘assume’ something?
To take for granted or without proof
Can lead to misunderstandings.
What does it mean to ‘assure’ someone?
To tell someone something positively to dispel any doubts
Often involves providing reassurance.
What does it mean to ‘attach’ something?
To join or fasten one thing to another
Commonly used in technology and communication.
What does ‘connect’ mean?
To join or link together
Can refer to physical or conceptual links.
Fill in the blank: To _______ means to reach a goal.
What does ‘attitude’ refer to?
A settled way of thinking or feeling about something
Influences behavior and responses.
What does ‘attribute’ mean?
To regard something as being caused by someone or something
Often used in analysis and interpretation.
Who is referred to as an ‘author’?
A person who writes a particular text
Can include writers, composers, and creators.
What does ‘authority’ mean?
The power or right to give orders, make decisions, and enforce obedience
Often associated with governance and leadership.
What does it mean to ‘automate’ a process?
To use technology to perform tasks without human intervention
Common in manufacturing and data processing.
Fill in the blank: Something that is _______ is accessible or ready for use.
What is the term for a group of individuals working together?
What does it mean to begin or start something?
What is a statement or remark about something called?
What is a group of people officially given a task called?
What does it mean to pledge or promise to do something?
What is a basic good or service that can be bought or sold?
What is the act of sharing information or ideas?
What term refers to a group of people living in the same place?
What does it mean when two things can exist or work together without conflict?
What is the act of making up for a loss or deficiency?
What is the process of gathering and organizing information?
What term describes something that enhances or completes something else?
What term indicates something that is intricate or complicated?
What do we call a part or element of a larger whole?
What is a substance formed when two or more elements combine?
What is the term for something that is thorough and all-encompassing?
Fill in the blank: A whole made up of its parts is said to _______ those parts.
What is the term for calculating or figuring out something?
What does it mean to form an idea in the mind?
What is the act of focusing attention on something?
What is a general idea or understanding of something?
What does it mean to reach a decision or judgment?
What is the term for events happening at the same time?
What is the act of guiding or managing a process?
What does it mean to grant or bestow something?
What is the act of restricting or limiting something?
What does it mean to verify or support with evidence?
True or False: A conflict refers to a disagreement or clash.
What does it mean to comply with rules or standards?
What is the act of giving permission for something?
What term describes something that follows as a result?
What does it mean to be significant in amount or degree?
What is the term for being made up of various elements?
Fill in the blank: Something that does not change is considered _______.
What does it mean for something to make up or form a whole?
What is the act of limiting or restricting something?
What is the process of creating or building something?
What does it mean to seek advice or information from someone?
What is the act of using up resources or materials?
What term refers to the act of communicating with someone?
What is the term for something that exists in the same time period?
What does context refer to?
the circumstances or setting in which something occurs
What is a formal agreement between two or more parties?
What does it mean to assert the opposite of something?
What term describes something that is opposite in nature?
What is the act of comparing two or more things to show differences?
What does it mean to give or contribute something?
What is a disagreement or debate on a particular topic?
What does it mean to gather or come together for a purpose?
What is the act of engaging in conversation?
What does it mean to change something into a different form?
What is the act of persuading someone to believe something?
What does it mean to work together towards a common goal?
What is the act of organizing or arranging elements?
What is the central or most important part of something?
What does corporate refer to?
relating to a corporation or business organization
What is the act of communicating back and forth?
What does it mean to join or link together?
What is the process of bringing something into existence?
What is the amount of money given as a recognition of work done?
What are the standards or principles used to judge something?
What is a significant or essential aspect of something?
What term refers to the customs, arts, social institutions, and achievements of a particular group?
What is the term for the accepted status or approval of something?
What is a medium of exchange, typically in the form of coins or banknotes?
What does cycle refer to?
a series of events that are regularly repeated in the same order
Fill in the blank: The act of acceptance or agreement is called _______.
What are pieces of information or facts used for analysis?
What is a discussion or argument about a particular topic?
What term refers to a period of ten years?
What does it mean to decline or refuse something?
What is the process of reasoning from the general to the specific?
What is the act of explaining the meaning of something?
What does definite mean?
clearly stated or decided; not vague or doubtful
What is the act of showing or proving something?
What does it mean to indicate or signify something?
What does it mean to refuse to accept or believe something?
What does it mean to make someone sad or lower their spirits?
What does prestonar refer to?
to lend or provide something temporarily
What does it mean to originate or have as a source?
What is the process of creating a plan or drawing?
What does despite mean?
without being affected by; in defiance of
What is the act of discovering or uncovering something?
What does it mean to stray from a standard or norm?
What is a tool or instrument designed for a specific purpose?
What does it mean to dedicate time or resources to a specific purpose?
What is the process of distinguishing between things?
What is a measurable extent of some kind, such as length or width?
What does diminish mean?
to make something less or smaller
What does discrete refer to?
individually separate and distinct
What does it mean to recognize differences between things?
What is the act of removing from a place or position?
What does it mean to show or exhibit something?
What is the act of getting rid of something?
What does it mean to be clearly different from something else?
What does distort mean?
to twist out of shape or misrepresent
What is the act of distributing or spreading something?
What does it mean when something has various types or forms?
What is a written record or report of something?
What is the area or field in which something operates?
What does domestic refer to?
related to home or internal affairs
What does it mean to have control over something?
What is the preliminary version of a document called?
What does drama refer to?
a state of emotional excitement or conflict
What is the length of time something lasts?
What does dynamic refer to?
characterized by constant change, activity, or progress
What is the system of production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services?
What is the process of reviewing and making changes to something?
What is a basic unit or part of something larger?
What does emphasis mean?
special importance or significance placed on something
What does empirical refer to?
based on observation or experience rather than theory or pure logic
What does it mean to be aware of something?
to have knowledge or perception of a situation or fact
What does behalf refer to?
as a representative of someone or something
What is the state of having an advantage or profit?
What does bias refer to?
a tendency to favor one thing over another, often unfairly
What is a bond?
a connection or relationship between people or things
What does brief mean?
short in duration or extent
What is the term for a large quantity or mass of something?
What does capable mean?
having the ability or qualities necessary for doing something
What does capacity refer to?
the maximum amount that something can contain or produce
What is a category?
a class or division of people or things regarded as having particular shared characteristics