Vocabulary Flashcards
weather forecast (phr) =
statement saying what the weather will be like during the next day or the next few days / prognoza vremii
e.g. Take an umbrella with you, as the weather forecast said it would rain later on.
changeable /tʃeɪndʒəbl/ (adj) =
likely to change many times / schimbător
e.g. The weather in Britain is changeable. One minute it’s wet, the next minute it’s sunny!
boiling hot (phr) =
extremely hot / foarte cald
e.g. It was the height of the summer and the weather was boiling hot.
freezing cold (phr) =
extremely cold / foarte frig
e.g. It was a freezing cold winter.
rucksack /rʌksæk/ (n) =
bag with straps that go over your shoulders, so that you can carry things on your back / rucsac
e.g. The hikers were walking along, carrying rucksacks.
goggles /gɒgləz/ (n pl) =
large glasses that fit closely to your face around your eyes to protect them from water, etc. / ochelari de înot
e.g. He took his goggles and flippers and went down to the sea.
insect repellent (phr) =
cream or spray that keeps insects away / spray împotriva insectelor
e.g. As there were mosquitoes around, he put on some insect repellent.
money belt (phr) =
belt with secure pockets for keeping money in / curea pentru bani
e.g. Having a lot of cash on him, Grahame wore a money belt on the flight.
guidebook /gaɪdbʊk/ (n) =
book that gives tourists information about a town, area or country / ghid turistic
e.g. We consulted our guidebook for the museum opening times.
first aid kit (phr) =
box of essential medical supplies, e.g. aspirin, bandages, sticking plasters / trusă de prim ajutor
e.g. If you are going hiking, don’t forget your first aid kit.
sunscreen /sʌnskriːn/ (n) =
cream to protect your skin from the sun’s rays, especially in hot weather / cremă de protecție solară
e.g. You must always wear sunscreen when you go to the beach.
binoculars /bɪˈnɒkjələ(r)z/ (n pl) =
two small telescopes joined together side by side that you look through to see things that are far away / binoclu
e.g. He took his binoculars and looked at the ships on the horizon.
rugged /rʌgɪd/ (adj) = (
of place) uneven, covered with rocks and with little vegetation / sălbatic
e.g. The moors have a wild rugged beauty of their own.
stopover /stɒpəʊvə(r)/ (n) =
short stay in a place in between parts of a journey / escala
e.g. The flight to Lisbon will make a stopover in Rome.
cruise /kruːz/ (n) =
holiday during which you travel on a ship or boat and visit various places / croazieră
e.g. A cruise around the islands would be wonderful.
pastime /pɑːstaɪm/ (n) =
hobby, interest / hobby
e.g. Stamp collecting is one of his favourite pastimes.