Vocabulary Flashcards
3 R’s
Respect, Ready, Responsbile
Paul Smith
Safeguarding Manager
Safeguarding room
What is safeguarding?
Keeping young people safe from all tyles harm inside and outside of college
Abuse (n/v)
Using something in a harmful or wrong way
Laundry (n)
Clothes that need washing, that are being washed or have been washed recently
Launderette (n)
A place to wash your clothes
To concentrate (v)
To focus and listen
Fist (n)
When your hand is closed tightly
Disgusting (adj.)
Something very bad, not nice
Tail (n)
The part of an animal, like a dog, that sticks out from the back
To wag (v)
A tail moving from side to side
Ticket inspector (n)
The person whose job it is to check tickets on a bus/train/tram
What is this? ‘
Gradually (adv.)
Slowly, step-by-step
A group of countries is a certain part of the world. E.g Asia, Europe
Port (n)
A place where boats and ships stay
Inhabitants (n)
The people who live in a place or area
Monsoon (adj.)
Rainy season in some countries
Annual (adj.)
Something that happens once a year
Bi-annual (adj.)
Something that happens 2 times a year
Ceremony (n)
A celebration or party like wedding or graduation
Influence (v/n)
To change someone’s behaviour or way of thinking
Metropolitan (adj.)
A big, busy and crowded city like London
Extracurricular (adj.)
Extra activities outside of your lessons. E.g sports club
To enhance (v)
To improve/make better
Crucial (adj.)
Very important
Delay (v/n)
To be late
To shiver (v)
When you body shakes because you are cold, scared or worried.
To adjust (v)
To change or fix something
In-laws (n)
The family of your wife/husband
To specialise (v)
To be an expert in some type of work
To realise (v)
To finally understand and know something
To approve (v)
To accept something
To overcome (v)
To find a solution to a problem that you were facing
To settle in (ph. v)
To become comfortable in a new situation
To stare (v)
To look at someone or something for a long time
Monarchy (n)
A country with a king or queen
Rural (adj.)
The countryside or village
Symbol (n)
A picture with a meaning such as £ for pound
Ferry (v/n)
A boat or ship that carries people, vehicles and goods across a river or the sea
Multicultural (adj.)
Different cultures, religions, nationalities, colours
Packed (adj.)
Crowded, busy
Tent (n)
Shelter used to stay dry when camping or staying outside
Slightly (adv.)
A little
Rush hour (adj.)
The busiest time of the day e.g. 9am and 5pm
Landmark (n)
A famous place e.g. London Eye
Harassment (n)
To bully or do something bad to a person such as racial or sexual harassment
Extremism (n)
Extreme and dangerous ideas
Radicalisation (n)
Making someone more and more extreme in their views and opinions such as political opinions
To trip over (ph. v)
To fall over something
Simultaneously (adv.)
More than one thing happening at the same time
To envisage (v)
to imagine or think what will happen in the future
Chain (n)
A branch or different building of the same company
Disorganised (adj.)
Not tidy or in the correct place/order
Sociable (adj.)
Someone who like to talk to others or make friends
To nominate (v)
to suggest that somebody should be chosen for something
Insecure (adj.)
Not confident about yourself
Pleasant (adj.)
Nice, friendly and polite
Wildlife (n)
Animals that live in the open and not in the home
Remarkable (adj.)
Something amazing or different making you notice it
Economical (adj.)
Not using a lot of money or electricity/gas
Disparity (adj.)
A difference
To boast (v)
To show off
To neglect (v)
To not take care of someone or something
Grooming (v/n)
To become friends with a young person so you can abuse them
Commute (v/n)
The journey to work or university
To contradict (v)
To say something then later say something different
Hectic (adj.)
Very busy
Exhausted (adj.)
Very tired
Babysitter (n)
A person you pay to look after your child
Industry (n)
Factories or a group of companies such as the car industry
To persuade (v)
To force someone to change their opinion about something
To squash (v)
To squeeze or press something hard to change its shape
Torture (v/n)
To punish someone in a very bad way
Glamourous (adj.)
Very fashionable and looks beautiful
Reluctant (adj.)
Doing something, but you don’t want to do it
Daunting (adj.)
Feeling scared, anxious and worried at the same time
Indifferent (adj.)
When you have no interest in somebody/something
Eager (adj.)
When you really want to do something
Chore (n)
A small job in your house like cleaning or washing up
Novelty (n)
Something new and different
Burden (n)
A responsibility that makes your life difficult
Chaos (n)
A mess and not in order or destroyed
Monotony (n)
Having the same routine without change
Puddle (n)
Water on the floor after rain
Drenched (adj.)
Very wet
Segregation (n)
Separating people because of colour, male/female
Boycott (n/v)
To stop buying or talking to someone to protest about something
Rally (v/n)
A protest in the street about something
Doctorate (n)
A PhD, the highest level of education
Assassinate (v)
To kill someone famous
To express (v)
To share your opinion about something
Ruling (n)
A law or rule from the government
Preacher (n)
A teacher of any religion
Priest (n)
Someone who teaches in a church
Protestors (n)
The people who go to a protest/rally
Brutal (adj.)
Very violent, someone or something that is very dangerous
Applause (n)
Clapping your hands
Imaginary (adj.)
Not real, in your mind only
Selfish (adj.)
Someone who only thinks about themselves
Generous (adj.)
Someone who helps charities or other people
Amateur (adj.)
Not professional
Endurance (n)
Your power/strength and how much you can survive a difficult situation
Ferocious (adj.)
Very violent, someone or something that is very dangerous
Bumpy (adj.)
No smooth/straight, up and down
Picky (adj.)
Someone who is hard to please or doesn’t like many things
Hung (v)
Past tense of hang e.g. put something up on a wall
Advisor (n)
Someone who gives advice
Caravan (n)
A big car which has a place to stay inside it
Deaf (adj.)
Someone who can’t hear
Can’t stand something/someone
Something or someone you don’t like/hate
Knit (v)
To make clothes with your hands using two long needles
Stripy (adj.)
Something with lines of different colours
Sow (v)
To put a seed in the ground for it to grow
Lentils (n)
A type of vegetarian food
These days
Typewriter (n)
An old machine used to type without a screen
Heir (n)
Someone who will become king after the king dies
Remarks (n)
Comments/what someone says
Abolish (v)
To stop or end something
Scandal (n)
News that shocks people or something bad
Residence (n)
Where you live, especially a big house
To encourage (v)
To support a person so they can do something
Vow (v/n)
To make a promise. E.g wedding vows
Aisle (n)
A long and narrow place to walk
Tiara (n)
Something a woman wears on her head
Blazer (n)
A suit jacket
Handkerchief (n)
Something a man puts in his blazer pocket or something used to clean your nose
Bouquet (n)
A bunch of flowers arranged nicely
To giggle (v)
To laugh in a silly way
Enthusiastic about (adj.)
Something you are very interested in like enthusiastic about football
Tricky (adj.)
Faithful (adj.)
A husband/wife you can trust and they will never cheat on you
Cattle (n)
Animals used for milk or meat like cows or buffalo
Venue (n)
The place of any event
Invitation (n)
To ask someone to attend an event like a wedding
Newlyweds (n)
A man and woman who have recently gotten married
Honeymoon (n)
The first holiday after getting married
Carol (n)
A Christmas song
Hymn (n)
A Christian song about God
Tinsel (n)
A long, thin pieces of shiny material, used as decorations, especially at Christmas
Holly (n)
A plant with hard shiny leaves and red berries in winter, often used as Christmas decoration
To brush up on (ph. v)
To improve
To procrastinate (v)
To not do something that you need to complete because you feel lazy
To invest (v)
To buy something that you want to sell for a higher price in the future
Savings (n)
The amount of money you have saved
Resolution (n)
Your goal for the new year
Naked (adj.)
When you don’t wear clothes you are naked
Realistic (adj.)
Something possible or something that looks real
To track (v)
To follow something or see its movement
Entertainment (n)
Film, music, dancing, games etc to have fun and enjoy yourself
Hungover (adj.)
The bad feeling you have the next day after you are drunk
To quit (v)
To stop something
Prescription (n)
The paper the doctor writes your medicine on
To prescribe (v)
When a doctor writes your medicine on the prescription
Needle (n)
A small sharp piece of metal that can be used for sewing or in an injection
Phobia (n)
Strong fear of something sometimes without a reason
Acronym (n)
Letters which each have different meaning but are put together e.g. ASAP, NHS
Swollen (adj.)
A part of your body which becomes larger because of injury or sickness
To swell (v)
When a part of your body which becomes larger because of injury or sickness
Moisturiser (n)
A cream that is used to make the skin less dry
Lotion (n)
A cream that is used to make the skin less dry
Injection (n)
Putting some medicine or something else into a person’s body
Overseas (adj.)
Another country which is not connected by sea to your country
Coupon (n)
A small piece of paper or code that give you a discount when you pay for something
Voucher (n)
A small piece of paper that give you a discount when you pay for something
Musical instrument
Anything that makes music like a guitar, piano or flute
Threat (n)
To tell someone that you will punish or harm them if they don’t do what you want
Trivial (adj.)
Something small or not very important
Slippers (n)
Shoes that you wear in the house which are easy to wear/take off
Potential (noun)
Something possible in the future
Cure (v/n)
To make someone healthy again and remove the illness
Remedy (n)
A treatment or medicine to cure a disease
Symptoms (n)
The signs of an illness e.g. high temperature
Soothing (v/adj.)
Relaxing and calming
Resistant (adj.)
Blocking something or making something not effective
Sore (adj.)
Antibiotics (n)
Pharmacist (n)
The person who works in a pharmacy giving medicine
Drowsy (adj.)
Feeling sleepy because of medicine
Side-effects (n)
What happens to your body when you take medicine
Under the weather
Feeling sick
Medication (n)
To tuck (v)
To put your shirt into your trousers, jeans etc
Startled (adj.)
To be surprised or scared because something happened very quickly
Expressionless (adj.)
Not showing your emotion
Pavement (n)
The place where you walk on the street
Rolling pin (n)
The object used to make the dough flat
Grate (v)
To rub food on a metal grater to make it into small pieces
Lemon zest (n)
The skin of a lemon in small pieces
To toss (v)
To throw something without caring
To smother (v)
To cover something fully
Dough (n)
The mixture from water and flour
Whisk (n/v)
The machine used to mix flour
Axes (n)
The lines on a graph/bar chart
Diverse (adj.)
Frequency (n)
How much/how many
Polyglot (n)
Someone who speaks many languages
Exclamation mark
! e.g. stop that!
’ e.g. my friend’s house
Used in your writing such as capital letters, full stops, commas, exclamation marks and question marks
Consumer (n)
Another word for customer
To consume (v)
To eat
Fertility (n)
To be able to give birth/have children
Confectionary (n)
Banh holiday (n)
A national holiday