vocabulary Flashcards
The middle passage
the forced voyage of enslaved Africans across the Atlantic ocean to the americas
triangular trade
the three legged route that made up the Atlantic slave trade
Divine right of kings
the belief that kings and queens get their power and authority from god alone
Thirteen colonies
A group of settlements that became the original states of the USA
An estate on which crops such as coffee,sugar and tobacco are grown
The collective name for a group of countries ruled by a single person,government or country
cut off or banished from a religious group,in Luther’s case,the Catholic church
Someone who campaigns for something to be stopped or banned
A country under political control occupied by settlers
A person with religious views that disagrees with official church teaching
A belief held by catholics that, when a priest blesses the bread and wine during mass,they transform into the physical blood and body of Christ
Someone who rules with absolute
Personal rule
A period which Charles ruled on his own
Ship money
A tax used to protect coastal areas
High church
A protestant church with some catholic practices