Vocabulary Flashcards
What are the messenger molecules used by T cells to send chemical instructions to the immune system and has an effect on the behavior of cells around them ?
What is a measurable substance in an organism whose presence is indicative of some phenomenon such as disease, infection or environmental exposure?
What molecules combine to form proteins and are organic compounds that contain both amino and carboxylic acid function groups?
Amino Acids
Of the two ways of measuring antibody/antigen binding strength, which measures the strength at a single site?
Of the two ways of measuring antibody/antigen binding strength, which measures the total binding strength?
What are the two measures of antibody/antigen binding strength?
Affinity and Avidity
What is any substance that enhances the immunogenicity of an antigen and results in a superior immune response?
What is the ability of a foreign substance, such as an antigen, to provoke an immune response in the body of a human or other animal?
What is a state of physical balance?
What is a quantity that, under stated conditions, does not vary with changes in the environment
What is the affinity numerical constant (also known as the association constant) used to describe the bonding affinity of two molecules at equilibrium?
Ka (K and subscript a)
What, in general sense, is the process of combining two or more different things of mixed origin?
What is the term for “in its’ original place”? For example, in carcinoma in situ, abnormal cells are found only in the place where they first formed.
In situ
During QC of an IHC stain it is noticed that a particular marker has not stained and needs to be repeated. The block, however, has been depleted. All of the following are acceptable ways to re-stain the specimen except:
1. Staining an unstained slide with a positive control
2. Staining over a negative control
3. Staining a previous HE of the same specimen
4. Staining over the IHC slide that did not work
- Staining over the IHC slide that did not work
Staining of a blood or marrow smear for peroxidase aLight chain monoclonality is the hallmark of activity is sometimes helpful in the diagnosis of myeloid leukemia, but intensity of staining is sometimes low. To ensure that the incubation has been adequate:.
1. incubate a control slide that has been smeared with a material known to have enzyme activity, such as a peroxidase-labeled antiserum
2. incubate until some staining is seen, because there is always some stainable peroxidase activity, even in normal leukocytes
3. treat the smear with 1% hydrogen peroxide in methanol for 10 minutes before incubating in the peroxidase reaction medium
4. incubate a control smear with added sodium azide to inhibit peroxidase
- incubate until some staining is seen, because there is always some stainable peroxidase activity, even in normal leukocytes
What is a substance that needs to be analyzed called?
What means “in addition to the original of something”? For example: The bookkeeper serves in an ancillary role, supporting the treasurer.
What are B lymphocytes another name for?
B cells
From what and where do B cells develop?
from stem cells in the bone marrow
What cells create antibodies?
B cells
B cells have antibodies on them only useful to a _____ antigen
Once a B cell is activated, what two specific cells can it eventually become?
plasma cell or memory B cell
What is the large polypeptide subunit of an antibody?
Heavy Chain
What is the technique used to study the protein expressed by cells?
What is the word for body fluids?
What elements have the same atomic number but a different mass number (number of neutrons present in them)?
What is the distinct part of a large molecule called?
What is simply a large chain of amino acids?
What is a measurement of the amount or concentration of a substance in a solution?
What is another name for the proteins called immunoglobulins?
What is left for collection after the removal of cells and fibrin from blood containing antibodies?
What part of the antibody determine the class and subclass?
H chains
In order to assess the effects of over-fixation and the potential need for antigen retrieval on a given specimen, the inclusion of an antibody against what ubiquitous intermediate filament is suggested in all initial antibody panels?
When using an alkaline phosphatase detection system:
1. It is always necessary to perform a hydrogen peroxidase quench
2. It is never necessary to perform a hydrogen peroxidase quench, but you must always perform an alkaline phosphatase quench.
3. It is recommended that an alkaline phosphatase quench be performed on frozen tissues
4. Using a quench of any type will result in very weak staining when using an alkaline phosphatase detection system
- It is recommended that an alkaline phosphatase quench be performed on frozen tissues
The H chains differ in ___ and ___ properties.
antigenic, structural