Vocabulary Flashcards
Then why are we so prone to making mistakes?
prone = propenso
She posed this question to her team
posed = planteo
The monkeys soon cottoned on, and as well as learning simple exchange techniques, were soon able to distinguish ‘bargains’
cottoned on = dieron cuenta
as well as = tanto como
bargains = gangas
someone tosses a coing and if it lands ‘heads’ you receive an additional $1000
tosses = lanza
lands = cae
when we stand to lose money
stand = arriesgamos
it is unwise to take risks when we are on a losing streak
unwise = imprudente
losing streak = mala racha
chose the less risky option in times of plenty.
in time of plenty = en tiempos de abundancia
the results were that monkeys, like humans, take more risks in times of loss.
in time of loss = en tiempos de pérdida.
maybe human error is not a result of the complexity of our financial institutions, but is imbedded in our evolutionary history.
imbedded = incrustado
What was the aim of the experiment outlined above?
outlined = descrito
after the breakout of the Spanish Civil war
breakout = estallido
when he swam ashore with the first assault on Omaha Beach.
swam ashore = nadó hasta la orilla
Saving Private Ryan
private = solado raso
they claimed that they were slightly out of focus
slightly = un poco
His affair with her lasted until the end of the war and became the subject of his war memoirs.
memoirs = memorias
This was a co-operative organization set up to support photographers and help them to retain ownership of the copyright to their work.
retain ownership = conservar la propiedad
He accepted an assignment to go to Indochina to cover the first Indochina war.
assignment = asignación
He was taken to a nearby hospital, still clutching his camera.
clutching = agarrando
There has, in recent years, been an outpouring of information
outpouring = gran cantidad
strives to convince others of its efficacy and warns of the dangers of ignoring the issue.
strives = se esfuerza
Seldom do these documents offer any advice to practitioners
Seldom = raramente
practitioners= practicantes
green does not encompass all that is meant by sustainability.
encompass = abarcar
for example those which reduce energy usage and pollution
usage = uso
able to cite ample reasons why building should be designed in a sustainable way
cite ample = citar amplio
criteria and the type of design envisaged are discussed and documented
envisaged = previsto
this is not enough to make green construction come into being.
come into being = nacer
and also provides a specific benchmark against which individual elements.
benchmark = punto de referencia
often come a cropper once their building is up and running
come a cropper = fracasan
Materials and equipment are installed as planned, and, at first glance, appear to fulfill their purpose adequately
glance = vista
thus turning a project originally not destined for green design into a potencial candidate
thus = por lo tanto
they must be involved from the outset
outset = principio, comienzo
This increased coordination clearly requires additional expenditure
expenditure = gastos
A client may initially balk at these added fees
balk at = resistirse a, negarse
fees = tarifas
it is up to the project team to gauge the extent to which a client wants
gauge = medir
Tax credits and rebates are usually available on a regional basis for projects
rebates = reembolsos
basis = nivel
return for investment and to what extent green design should be the limiting factor governing decisions in the design process
extent = medida
governing = rige
Their foreign mannerisms make them appear clownish, and so they are treated with curiosity and amusement
clownish = payaso
amusement = diversión
they do so with a strange accent and flawed grammar.
flawed = defectuoso
Arguably this could be an interesting starting point for research
arguably = podría decirse
Anthropologists take on the role of the ‘superior expert’
take on the role = asumir el rol
Anthropologists with this role may never witness the gamut of practices which take place in all levels of the society
gamut = gama
European backgrounds to adapt to societies where being alone is considered pitiful.
pitiful = lamentable
Nonetheless, fieldwork requieres the researcher to spend as much time as possible.
nonetheless = sin embargo
they are difficult to attain, even if the researcher does his utmost to reproduce the facts from the natives point of view
attain = alcanzar
utmost = mayor
aspects of the researcher’s own culture, perspective and literary style seep into the narrative
seep = filtrarse
the meaning of utterances is changed
utterances = declaraciones
the least invasive type of research methodology is observation.
least = menos
in the Kalahari refused to provide the people with foot so as not to taint his research
taint = contaminar
leading to an inevitable hostility towards the researcher
leading = lo que lleva
The craft of perfumery has an ancient and global heritage
craft = oficio, arte, artesanía
heritage = herencia
The emperors were said to bathe in scent
bathe in scent = bañarse en esencia
flower petals were soaked in warm oil
soaked = mojados, empanados
by inhaling pleasant fragrances such as cinnamon
cinnamon = canela
chiefly because it was an important trade route and a center for glass-making.
chiefly = principalmente, en primer lugar
In the late seventheenth century, trade was soared in France.
soarde = se disparó
when Lois XIV brought in policies of protectionism and patronage
patronage = patrocinio
The link arose since the tanning of leather required putrid substances
tanning of leather = curtido del cuero
putrid = putrefactas
the gloves were scented before they were sold and worn
scented = perfumados
worn = usados
A glove and perfume makers’ guild had existed here since 1190.
guild = gremio
The perfumers diversified into other cosmetics including soaps, powders, white face paints and hair dyes.
dyes = tintes
Mercers, spicers, vinegar-makers and wig-makers
wig-markers = peluqueros, fabricantes de pelucas
Even simple shopkeepers were coming up with their own concoctions to sell.
shopkeepers = tenderos
concoctions = brebajes
it regained momentum later as a wider range of markets were sought both in the domestic and overseas markets.
regained = recuperado
sought = buscado
overseas = exterior
Napoleonic ordinance which required perfumers to declare the ingredients of all products for internal consumption.
ordinance = ordenanza
Unwilling to divulge their secrets, traders concentrated on products for external use.
Unwilling = reacio
With French ports blockaded by the British during the Napoleonic wars
blockaded = bloqueado
Perfumers elsewhere tended to supply cheaper products and knock-offs of the London and Paris brands.
elsewhere = en otra parte
knock-offs = imitaciones
which developed around the docks in New York where French oils were being imported
docks = muelles
trademarks had had little significance in the perfumery where goods were consumed locally,
trademarks = marcas registradas
The findings were at first greeted by the scientific community with scepticism
greeted = recibido, saludado
satellites would have picked up such ozone losses if they were indeed occurring.
indeed = verdaderamente, en realidad
it became apparent that data had been overlooked.
overlooked = pasada por alto
the first scientific evidence of a hole in the ozone layer by the British Antarctic Survey.
Survey = servicio, encuesta
a stance which, if accepted, could impede industrialisation and sustain, even widen, the wealth gap.
stance = postura
gap = brecha
the results born under different circumstances can vary markedly
markedly = notablemente
the influence of prevailing theories, financial constraints and the peer review process.
prevailing = predominante
constraints = restricciones
scientists tend to believe they are not in a position to bear universal truths but to reveal tendencies.
bear = llevar
published estimates of net emissions and sinks of greenhouse gases for a number of countries
net = netas
sinks = sumideros
greenhouse gases = gases de efecto invernadero
certain scientific institutions wish to maintain a degree of status as bearers of truth
Bearers of truth = portadores de la verdad
policy makers uphold this understanding by requesting scientific certainties
uphold = defender, mantener
certainties = certezas
Rather, they select that information which is necessary to fulfil their goals,
Rather = más bien
Attempts to underplay transboundary issues such as water provision and pollution are cases in point.
underplay = subestimar
transboundary = transfronterizo
they are well-known in scientific communities or national borders,
borders = fronteras
However, this is countered by two factors.
countered = contrarrestado