Vocabulary 10 Flashcards
What is the Latin term for marriage?
matrimonium, matrimonii n.
Example: ‘Matrimonium est sanctum.’ (Marriage is sacred.)
What is the Latin term for workshop or forge?
officina, officinae f.
Example: ‘In officina laboramus.’ (We work in the workshop.)
What is the Latin term for fire?
incendium, incendii n.
Example: ‘Incendium urbs vastavit.’ (The fire devastated the city.)
What is the Latin term for strong?
validus, -a, -um.
Example: ‘Homo validus est.’ (The man is strong.)
What is the Latin term for lame?
claudus, -a, -um.
Example: ‘Canis claudus est.’ (The dog is lame.)
What is the Latin term for to work or labor?
laboro, laborare, laboravi, laboratus.
Example: ‘Laboro in agro.’ (I work in the field.)
What is the Latin term for craft or art?
artificium, artificii n.
Example: ‘Artificium eius pulchrum est.’ (His craft is beautiful.)
What is the Latin term for temple?
templum, templi n.
Example: ‘Templum est sacrum.’ (The temple is sacred.)
What is the Latin term for name?
nomen, nominis n.
Example: ‘Nomen meum est Marcus.’ (My name is Marcus.)
What is the Latin term for clear, bright, or famous?
clarus, -a, -um.
Example: ‘Clarus est sol.’ (The sun is bright.)
What is the Latin term for helmet?
galea, galeae f.
Example: ‘Galea in capite est.’ (The helmet is on the head.)
What is the Latin term for to wear?
gesto, gestare, gestavi, gestatus.
Example: ‘Gesto vestimenta.’ (I wear clothes.)
What is the Latin term for city?
urbs, urbis f.
Example: ‘Urbs pulchra est.’ (The city is beautiful.)
What is the Latin term for spear?
hasta, hastae f.
Example: ‘Hasta in manu est.’ (The spear is in the hand.)
What is the Latin term for to hold?
teneo, tenere, tenui, tentus.
Example: ‘Teneo librum.’ (I hold the book.)