Vocabulary 1 Flashcards
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: voco.
voco, vocare, vocavi, vocatus – call
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: carrus.
carrus, carri, M. – cart, wagon
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: clamo.
clamo, clamare, clamavi, clamatus – shout
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: periculum.
periculum, periculi, N – danger
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: frumentum.
frumentum, frumenti, N – grain
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: via.
via, viae, F. – road, street
Give the meaning for the following Latin word: sub.
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: augeo.
augeo, augere, auxi, auctus – increase
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: paro.
paro, parare, paravi, paratus – prepare
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: servo.
servo, servare, servavi, servatus – save, protect, guard
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: dominus.
dominus, domini, M. – master
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: oppidum.
oppidum, oppidi, N – town
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: signum.
signum, signi, N. – sign, signal
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin adjective: altus.
altus, alta, altum – high, deep
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: femina.
femina, feminae, F. – woman
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: porto.
porto, portare, portavi, portatus – carry
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin adjective: perterritus.
perterritus, perterrita, perterritum – frightened
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: moneo.
moneo, monere, monui, monitus – warn
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: nauta.
nauta, nautae, M – sailor
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: habito.
habito, habitare, habitavi, habitatus – live
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: pecunia.
pecunia, pecuniae, F. – money
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: aqua.
aqua, aquae, F. – water
Give the meaning for the following Latin word: ab.
by, from
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: dea.
dea, deae F. - goddess
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: animus.
animus, animi, M. – mind, spirit
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: aedificium.
aedificium, aedificii, N – building
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: regina.
regina, reginae, F. – queen
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: captivus.
captivus, captivi, M. – prisoner
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: rideo.
rideo, ridere, risi, risus – laugh, smile
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: appareo.
appareo, apparere, apparui, appariturus – appear
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: navigo.
navigo, navigare, navigavi, navigatus – sail
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: liberi.
liberi, liberorum, pl, M. – children
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: demonstro.
demonstro, demonstrare, demonstravi, demonstratus – demonstrate, show
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: laudo.
laudo, laudare, laudavi, laudatus – praise
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: cura.
cura, curae, F. – care, concern
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: servus.
servus, servi, M. – slave
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: cibus.
cibus, cibi, M. – food
Give the meaning for the following Latin word: per.
through, along
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: unda.
unda, undae, F. – wave
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: appropinquo.
appropinquo, appropinquare, appropinquavi, appropinquatus – approach
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: caelum.
caelum, caeli, N – sky
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: cena.
cena, cenae, F. – dinner
Give the meaning for the following Latin word: de.
about, from
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: terreo.
terreo, terrere, terrui, territus – frighten, scare
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: numerus.
numerus, numeri, M – number
Give the meaning for the following Latin word: cum.
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: sto.
sto, stare, steti, status – stand
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: cubiculum.
cubiculum, cubicula, N – bedroom
Give the meaning for the following Latin word: in.
in, on, into, against
Give the meaning for the following Latin word: sine.
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin adjective: bonus.
bonus, bona, bonum – good
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: vulnero.
vulnero, vulnerare, vulneravi, vulneratus – wound
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: specto.
specto, spectare, spectavi, spectatus – watch
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: vir.
vir, viri, M. – man
Give the meaning for the following Latin word: ex.
out of, from
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin adjective: ignavus.
ignavus, ignava, ignavum – lazy, cowardly
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: amicitia.
amicitia, amicitiae, F. – friendship
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin adjective: pulcher.
pulcher, pulchra, pulchrum – beautiful, handsome
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: bellum.
bellum, belli, N. – war
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: amo.
amo, amare, amavi, amatus – love
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin adjective: amicus.
amicus, amica, amicum – friendly
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: timeo.
timeo, timere, timui – be afraid (of), fear
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin adjective: malus.
malus, mala, malum – bad
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: vilicus.
vilicus, vilici, M. – overseer
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: puella.
puella, puellae, F. – girl
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: vito.
vito, vitare, vitavi, vitatus – avoid
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: libero.
libero, liberare, liberavi, liberatus – free
Give the meaning for the following Latin word: quid.
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: laboro.
laboro, laborare, laboravi, laboratus – work
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: amicus.
amicus, amici, M. – friend
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin adjective: parvus.
parvus, parva, parvum – small
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: ianua.
ianua, ianuae, F. – door
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: insula.
insula, insulae, F. – island, apartment house
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: video.
video, videre, vidi, visus – see
Give the meaning for the following Latin word: quis.
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: puer.
puer, pueri, M. – boy
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: gladius.
gladius, gladii, M. – sword
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: vita.
vita, vitae, F. – life
Give the meaning for the following Latin word: et.
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: maneo.
maneo, manere, mansi, mansurus – remain
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: oculus.
oculus, oculi, M. – eye
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: praemium.
praemium, praemi, N – reward
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: deus.
deus, dei, M. – god
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: rogo.
rogo, rogare, rogavi, rogatus – ask
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin adjective: aequus.
aequus, aequa, aequum – even, just, calm
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: verbum.
verbum, verbi, N – word
Give the meaning for the following Latin word: prope.
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: liber.
liber, libri, M. – book
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin verb: debeo.
debeo, debere, debui, debitus – owe, ought
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: consilium.
consilium, consili, N. – plan
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: agricola.
agricola, agricolae, M. – farmer
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin noun: lupus.
lupus, lupi, M. – wolf