Vocabulary (1) Flashcards
Huddle (verb)
When a group of people gather around very close to each other, especially when being cold or frightened (acurrucarse)(jadel)
Chortle (verb)
laugh with pleasure and satisfaction (reír) (chortel)
Cloak (noun)
a loose outer piece of clothing without sleeves, usually applied by wizards and used instead of a coat (capa)
Rub (verb)
to move sth backward and forward against another thing or over the surface of sth. (frotar) (rab)
grind (verb, 2)
(1) to make something turn into powder by rubbing it against two hard superficies (moler) (2) to rub a blade against a hard surface to make it sharp (afilar) (grind)
Butler (noun)
the most important servant in a house, usually the one that organizes de other workers (mayordomo) (batler)
Blacksmith (noun)
the person that works at a forge doing blades and cold weapons (herrero)
Bun (noun, 3)
(1) a small and sweet bread (2) the characteristic bread seemed in hamburgers (3) a woman’s hairstyle where the hair is brought together into a round shape at the back of the head
uncomfortable or anxious (nervioso) (anizy)
Thrill (noun and verb, pretty similar significances)
noun- a feeling of great excitement and pleasure; verb- to make someone feel very excited and pleased (emoción, emocionar)
Clutch (noun and verb, their significances aren’t similar)
noun- a difficult situation that needs skilled people in order to be dealt with successfully; verb- to take or try to take hold of something tightly, usually in fear, worry or pain
Glaring (adjective)
used to say that something bad is obvious
Powder (noun)
a dry substance made of many small, loose grains (polvo)
Steer (verb, 3 significances which are quite similar)
(1) to control de direction of a vehicle (manejar) (2) to guide someone to a place you want them to go (guiar) (3) If a vehicle steers, it follows a particular direction or route (seguir ruta)
Stunt (noun, 2 not identical, verb 1)
noun- (1)(Usually in a film) an scene that has to be done by someone especial because it’s dangerous or appears dangerous (acto peligroso) (2) something that is done just to attract attention (para llamar la atención); verb- to slow or prevent the development of someone or something (estropear)