Vocabulary 1 Flashcards
Define Lurid
(adj.) causing shock, horror, or revulsion; sensational; pale or shallow in color; terrible or passionate in intensity or lack of restraint
Define Umbrage
(n.) shade cast by trees, foliage giving shade; an overshadowing influence of power; offense, resentment; a vague suspicion
Define Perogative
(n.) a special right or privilege; a special quality showing excellence
Define Hackneyed
(adj.) used so often as to lack freshness or originality
Define Jaded
(adj.) wearied, worn-out, dulled (in the sense of being satiated by excessive indulgence)
Define Intercede
(v.) to plead on behalf of someone else; to serve as a third party or go-between in a disagreement
Define Hiatus
(n.) a gap, opening, break (in the sense of having an element missing)
Define Decadence
(n.) decline, decay, or deterioration; a condition or period of decline or decay; excessive self-indulgence
Define Innuendo
(n.) a hint, indirect suggestion, or reference (often in a derogatory sense)
Define Provincial
(adj.) pertaining to an outlying area; local;narrow in mind or outlook, countrified in the sense of being limited and backward; of a simple, plain design that originated in the countryside; (n.) a person with a narrow point of view, a person from outlying area; a soldier from a province or colony.
Define Approbation
(n.) the expression of approval or favorable opinion, praise; official approval
Define Coalition
(n.) a combination, union, or merger for some specific purpose
Define Transcend
(v.) to rise above or beyond, exceed
Define Petulant
(adj.) peevish, annoyed by trifles, easily irritated and upset
Define Meritorious
(adj.) worthy, deserving recognition and praise
Define Assuage
(v.) to make easier or milder, relieve; to quiet, calm; to put an end to, appease, satisfy, quench