Vocabulary 1 Flashcards
Kick off
Swedish translation: Starta igång, börja
Explanation: To start
Opposites: To stop
Creeping quietly around the door
Swedish translation: Röra sig långsamt tyst och försiktigt, vanligtvis för att undvika att bli upptäckt
Explanation: Move slowly quietly and carefully, usually in order to avoid being noticed
Opposites: To move in a hastily manner
Tee off
Swedish translation: Starta igång, börja
Explanation: Start off, kickstart
Opposites: To stop
Swedish translation: Oefterhärmlig
Explanation: Incapable of being imitated or copied
Opposites: Easy to copy, a knock off
Advanced age
Swedish translation: Hög ålder
Explanation: Old, lived for many years
Opposites: young age
Swedish translation: Lugnt, avspänt
Explanation: Unhurried or relaxed
Opposites: Hurried, brisk
squabble (verb+noun)
Swedish translation: Kivas, gnabbas, bråk, gnabb
Explanation: Argue, argument
Opposites: A nice conversation
Swedish translation: Förbittring, frustration, problem
Explanation: A feeling of annoyment/irritation
Opposites: Happiness satisfaction
Swedish translation: förbryllning
Explanation: a feeling of confusion and bewilderment
Opposites: feeling of sense and stability
Swedish translation: Vrede
Explanation: anger
Opposites: calm, content
On the back foot
Swedish translation: Underläge, nackdel
Explanation: to be in a defensive position
Opposites: not to be in defensive position
Swedish translation: som går att relatera till
Explanation: understandable
Opposites: disagreeable
Go down well
Swedish translation: tas emot väl/bra
Explanation: when people reacted positively to something, It went down well
Opposites: go down badly
Swedish translation: försämras
Explanation: if something deteriorates, it becomes worse in some way
Opposites: improve
Swedish translation: indragen, intrasslad (i problem)
Explanation: to be involved in a difficult situation
Opposites: in the clear
Swedish translation: småsint: liten sinnad (ex petty cash, som betyder ‘lite småpengar’)
Explanation: People who care too much about small and unimportant thing can be called petty
Opposites: tolerant
Swedish translation: anklagelse
Explanation: an accusation or insult
Opposites: commendation
Swedish translation: knep, taktik, öppning; öppnande drag i schack
Explanation: a strategic move when someone sacrifices something to gain advantage
Opposites: disorganization
Swedish translation: ligg, ligga
Explanation: to have sexual intercourse with someone
Swedish translation: eldsvåda
Explanation: to burn brightly and strongly
Swedish translation: svassa, rusa (eller sub - volang)
Explanation: go or move in an exaggeratedly impatient or angry manner
Opposites: stay in place, move calmly
Swedish translation: något lustigt eller skrattretande (”its a hoot”) eller hoande (uggla)
Explanation: fun. funnv. amusing: a low, wavering musical sound which is the typical call of many kinds of owl
A capella
Swedish translation: sång utan musik
Swedish translation: plågad, fårad, full av linjer
Explanation: Cause distress to
Opposites: Calmed, comforted
Wax and wane
Swedish translation: gå upp och ner, öka och avta (om t ex antal el storleK)
Explanation: undergo alternate increases and decrease: go up and down (in number, size etc) Note: these terms are used about the moon as well
Swedish translation: mörker
Explanation: old word of murk, dark, gloomy, obscure
Opposites: light, bright
Swedish translation: morrande
Explanation: a low guttural noise made in the throat, especially by a dog, to indicate hostility
Swedish translation: anhängare
Explanation: enthusiast, a hard-core fan
Opposites: hater, critic, detractor