Vocabulaire Verbes Flashcards
What is the English translation of ‘craindre’?
to fear
‘Craindre’ is used to express fear or apprehension about something.
What is the English translation of ‘repulser’?
to repel
‘Repulser’ means to drive back or push away, often used in a defensive context.
What is the English translation of ‘soupçonner’?
to suspect
‘Soupçonner’ refers to having a belief about something being true without proof.
What is the English translation of ‘déchirer’?
to tear
‘Déchirer’ means to rip or pull apart something, usually fabric or paper.
What is the English translation of ‘enfreindre’?
to infringe
‘Enfreindre’ implies violating a law or rule.
What is the English translation of ‘déroger’?
to derogate
‘Déroger’ means to deviate from a standard or norm.
What is the English translation of ‘éprouver’?
to experience
‘Éprouver’ signifies undergoing or feeling something.
What is the English translation of ‘exiger’?
to demand
‘Exiger’ means to require something forcefully.
What is the English translation of ‘résister’?
to resist
‘Résister’ refers to the act of standing firm against something.
What is the English translation of ‘s’opposer’?
to oppose
‘S’opposer’ means to be against something or someone.
What is the English translation of ‘contempler’?
to contemplate
‘Contempler’ means to look thoughtfully for a long time.
What is the English translation of ‘étouffer’?
to suffocate
‘Étouffer’ conveys the act of preventing breathing or causing a lack of air.
What is the English translation of ‘flétrir’?
to wither
‘Flétrir’ refers to the process of becoming dry and shriveled.
What is the English translation of ‘frémir’?
to shudder
‘Frémir’ means to tremble or shiver, often from fear or excitement.
What is the English translation of ‘prétendre’?
to claim
‘Prétendre’ means to assert something as a fact, often without proof.
What is the English translation of ‘trahir’?
to betray
‘Trahir’ involves being disloyal or revealing secrets.
What is the English translation of ‘démolir’?
to demolish
‘Démolir’ means to destroy or tear down a structure.
What is the English translation of ‘accuser’?
to accuse
‘Accuser’ refers to the act of alleging someone has done something wrong.