Vocabulaire glané 1 Flashcards
un charnier, un ossuaire (terme ancien)
a charnel house
1 building or vault in which corpses or bones are piled.
1.1 A place associated with violent death.
‘Europe in the immediate post-war period had become a charnel house’
du gros plomb, des chevrotines
(U) Coarse lead shot used in shotgun shells.
il a reçu une décharge de chevrotines dans le dos : he was hit in the back by a volley of buckshot
refiler, repasser qch/qn (qu’on ne veut pas ou dont on n’a pas besoin) à qn
to foist sth/sb on sb
Impose an unwelcome or unnecessary person or thing on.
‘she had no desire to have an elderly relative foisted on her’
un charnier (terme actuel)
a mass grave
A pit dug in the ground to receive a large number of dead bodies.
‘2,800 civilians were massacred and buried in mass graves’
attenter à la vie de qn
to make an attempt on somebody’s life
attenter à ses jours
to attempt suicide
to make an attempt on your life
attenter à la sûreté de l’État
to conspire against the security of the state
un attentat à la pudeur (= agression sexuelle)
indecent assault
(U) ‘a charge of indecent assault’
(C) ‘she’d been subjected to repeated indecent assaults’
sans délai, tout de suite (US)
in short order
‘after the killing the camp had been shut down in short order’
‘he is anxious to show his manhood by
ridding the world of Germans in short order’
garder du bétail, des chevaux (US)
to wrangle
‘He wrangled horses for the Confederacy during the Civil War.’
‘the horses were wrangled early’
(US) un vacher ; (ciné) un dresseur ou personne qui cherche les animaux (parfois voitures) pour un tournage
a wrangler
‘Although wranglers are often found listed among dude ranch jobs, there’s a lot more to the daily operation of a dude ranch than roping cattle.’
un hôtel ranch (ranch pour touristes)
a dude ranch
Sorte de ranch, authentique ou reconstitué, où les touristes peuvent goûter les joies du Far West. Les amateurs viennent y retrouver la vie du cow-boy : monter à cheval, s’occuper du bétail et dîner autour d’un feu de camp. En argot, un “dude” est un citadin, ou un habitant de la côte est trop soigné et trop bien habillé.
a slam dunk / to slam dunk (basketball)
un smash / faire un smash
the act of jumping up and putting the ball through the net with a lot of force
‘they won on a slam dunk with two seconds remaining’
‘I do know that when they slam-dunk the ball we celebrate’
[no object] ‘he could slam-dunk like a bandit!’
a slam dunk (US infml)
[usually as modifier] Something reliable or unfailing; a foregone conclusion or certainty.
Politically, this issue is a slam dunk for the party.
The movie is sure to be a slam-dunk hit.
to slam dunk (US infml)
North American informal Defeat or dismiss decisively.
‘they continue to slam-dunk every proposal we make’