Vocabulaire du Film Flashcards
What is the French term for ‘shelter’?
Refers to a place providing protection or safety.
What does ‘alerte’ mean in English?
air raid
A warning of an impending attack, often used during wartime.
How do you say ‘friendship’ in French?
A close and trusting relationship between friends.
What does ‘avoir mal à la jambe’ translate to?
to have a bad leg
Indicates pain or discomfort in the leg.
What are ‘bains-douches’?
the baths & showers
Facilities for bathing and showering.
What is the meaning of ‘boiter’?
to limp
A walking unevenly due to injury or pain.
What does ‘bougie’ refer to?
A cylindrical piece of wax with a wick for lighting.
Translate ‘bourgeoisie’ into English.
middle classes
Refers to the social class between the upper and working classes.
What are ‘camps de concentration’?
concentration camps
Detention centers where large numbers of people are imprisoned, often without trial.
What is the French term for ‘locker’?
A small storage compartment, often used in schools or gyms.
What does ‘catholique’ mean?
Relating to the Roman Catholic Church.
What is the English translation of ‘chapelle’?
the chapel
A small place of worship, often attached to a larger institution.
What does ‘circoncis’ mean?
Refers to the surgical removal of the foreskin from the penis.
What is the meaning of ‘collabo’?
A person who cooperates with an enemy force, especially during wartime.
How do you say ‘yard’ in French?
An open area enclosed by walls or buildings.